Im quitting, nothing will bring me back

Something bad can happen if you use words wrong!
Or prepositions:
-If you sit on a stool you are OK, -but if you sit in it you are making a mess :open_mouth:


I quit drinking completely for over a year but there were a few times where I was tempted but didnā€™t caveā€¦I was a severe alcoholic and my health was deteriorating badly. Now I just do a glass of wine once a night or every other night.

best of luck to you =)


We didnā€™t miss it as humor, it just wasnā€™t that funny. Talking about alcoholism was much more interesting.


I looked up the definition of said players username just out of curiosity.



A juvenile stunt


White Rap is bad mmmkay

now youā€™re being racist.

I thought there would be a sword if you look upā€¦

The truth is never racist. Itā€™s just true.


First song by a rapper to reach number 1 in the USA wasā€¦

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Yes and it was horrible. Truly parody worthy.


rice rice gravyā€¦lolā€¦

or you can just sit on a potatoe or portato and tell me if there is a difference.

They are both spelled incorrectly but in a different wayā€¦

Unless you are another one of Bravataā€™s sock puppets, the dude is a clown show of epic proportions. Claims to be a math genius canā€™t understand simple equations in his own examples.

Claims to have to teach a European how to use english, then constantly butchers it with nearly every post.

Claims to be 18 and 89 at the same time.

Claims heā€™s quitting and not supporting Blizzard but has seasonal records for every season and dozens of D3 and WoW accounts.

Got so infuriated with someone calling out his BS he changed an accounts name to that posters name and tried to troll as him. Then he got banned for it and claimed he was just at his grandmotherā€™s for a month.

There is no reason anyone should have any good will towards Bravata nor his sock puppet accounts. He rightfully deserves the treatment he gets here since it is just the consequences of his own actions.


You nailed it Beefhammer.

Bravata needs to learn to have very different personalities for each of his sock puppets, so he can blend in and drop his Troll bombs more effectively.

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Po-tay-to, po-tah-to, to-may-to, to-mah-toā€¦

Ask Dan Quayle if potato is spelled with an E. You only add an E if it is plural - ā€˜There are 50 potatoes in that bag.ā€™ And Iā€™m not sitting on them, either.

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ā€œRaptureā€ by Blondie was the first to reach USA #1 with rap lyrics.

How big is the glass?

Indeed it was, but Blondie wasnā€™t a rapper, which is why I saidā€¦

lolā€¦that gave me a chuckle
um idk about 10 ounces and I usually just do half a glassā€¦