I'm legitimately surprised

I’m surprised by the new Flavour of Time legendary power. Think it’ll go the same as Mortick’s Brace and be removed? It seems somewhat overpowered, it might become compulsory for GR pushing.
Then again Mortick’s Brace is back and they’ve said they intent to keep it available.

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I wish I could give multiple fave’s on a post, because I was not at all expecting this kind of response. That’s exactly the sort of communication that I appreciate, and I would like to thank you for doing so. Even if whatever Blizzard has to say may not align with what I or the community would like, being open and transparent about it is exactly what avoids bigger controversies. I eagerly await the PTR, and I look forward to your post whenever it does happen.

I know it can be frustrating with the levels of communication, but I would just like to personally express gratitude that you’re giving what you can.

Now I’ll be looking forward to when the D3 Character Planner updates with a PTR build. My curiosity has definitely been poked with some of these new legendary affixes.


You are sounding a little pessimistic there…Don’t assume anything until you actually read that upcoming blog post.
My guess is that it will tell us that new seasons will continue to be implemented after future projects are released, maybe even with some at least minor patches, for balancing and such.


This is kind of my take on it too. I don’t expect an expansion or new class for D3. I do kind of expect new Season Themes, items/item powers, balance changes, and QoL changes to continue for a long time to come. Nothing spectacular, but enough that coming back for a patch or season is a fun way to spend some time.

What I THINK is going on for structure, based on media reports that were made public:

*Incubation Team: New team modeled after the Hearthstone small mobile team concept. Tackles some of the more risky concepts and ideas that benefit from streamlined development or new methods. May be hits or misses, but always good learning experiences. Diablo: Immortal is being handled by them.

*Team 3: This is the main Diablo Franchise team. They work on whatever game is the main focus which could be D4 or maybe something else we don’t know the name of yet.

*Classic Team: Handles WC3, SC:R, SC, D2, and D3 as far as I think. They keep the games up to date on modern systems, do seasonal iterations, revitalize older games, and even do some QoL and patch changes. I think they are currently working on, among other things Warcraft 3 Remastered. Maybe someday D2 Remastered as well?

*Publications and Media type teams: Book of Adria, Nintendo Amibo Collaboration, Promotions on various platforms that might include new game content (pets, transmogs), Diablo Art book, any Diablo comics, shows, movies. Contests related to the franchise are here too.

That is how I THINK it works, but they won’t ever show me an org chart so I have to rely on the news interviews they have released.


Well, we all know the D3 future, blog post about it could only contain something worse - less servers, subscription mode etc…

That’s because Mortick’s doesn’t buff Barbs at all.

A full explanation can be found here: PTR Notes 2.6.6 - #10 by Free-1746


So that gigantic thread where you sought feedback and implemented none of it, absolutely none of it, was what? A gigantic waste of time? You guys say your listening, but all WE’re hearing is silence.

I mean, come on. Firebirds could have simply doubled the 6 piece set and we could have worked with that. It’s a simple number change.


That thread was the basic PR and Legal statement. Yes, they (the team handling D3) do listen, but they can’t won’t do everything we ask. PR/Legal?Mgt…not so sure they listen.

That said, a LOT of the things we have asked for have shown up in the past few patches. Some of it is QoL like stash search, and other things are balance or item changes. Even things like “Hey you guys really liked the LoN buff and how it opened up build so here is a new Leg Gem that helps you keep that going”. They gave Morticks Brace back too. That seems to me that they are listening to some of it. Not every change everyone wants is going to be something they can do, or can do fast.


Come off it. The issue is they did NONE of it. Nothing. No attempt was made to address the issues, implement our solutions, or could up with some of their own. Literally. Nothing.


Okay… Just done reading the patch notes and I’m quite pleasedly surprised. I have questions about Flavor of Time but I see that designers sort of left unnecessary number bloating and more focused on item and affix synergies. That’s at least a good sign on my book. Those new tweaked crafted Sets, I bet I can find a few use for them in traditional builds for higher pushes. And Triune buff was a brilliant call too I think.

I hope I see some major changes on skills at this fashion as well but I’m not holding my breathe. I suppose it’d be a slow process if it’s planned for already.


Personally I find this somewhat a best strategy to proceed. It’s great to hear the real situation of D3. I still haven’t been able to lose hope of new class dlc so any news are good and relieving news.

I share your feelings, my friend.

By the way, Nev, I’m loving your presence and the information you have given us, especially regarding the future. :smiley::smiley::smiley:


Moving Blackthorns to crafted would be a start.
Putting a % in the progress bar of GRs like console has wouldn’t hurt it either.

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Hello Nev. It’ nice to know there will be some info about D3’s future. I actually opened some days ago a post about this. D3 is a game i still care about and i would like to enjoy more, so my questions about D3’s future are in this thread What's NEXT for Diablo 3?
Please read it and i hope you will address at least some of that questions in your blog post, if not all of them.

About the PTR. It’s nice that you added some new items and powers, it will be interesting to see how they change everything. The thing i’m also curious about is… is this all that will come with the new patch and season? Or there are some other things in the works, like some QOL or other things?
Have a nice day :smiley:


What you’re seeing is what we’re focusing on. PTR is only a week, which isn’t a lot of time to add new coding/engineering. That’s not to say it’s impossible, but I’d say it’s unlikely.

There’s a lot of new and potentially risky stuff bug-wise in this patch. Logistically, it’s best we focus on making sure that stuff is polished and kick more additions to later patches than delaying this patch in an effort to add more. Delaying patches delays Seasons, and we definitely want to avoid that. :slight_smile:


What i want to say, is if you already have some other stuff planned for the next season, that Blizzard is working on, other than what we see in the ptr, not if you will add some more, after this ptr. Of course i don’t pretend Blizz to add more and more stuff while working already on something, without testing everything, and i also don’t know all the technical implications.
Thank you for your answer :smiley:
P.S. Don’t forget about the thread :blush:

What builds? Honestly.

Spoiler: It’s going on true life support once they preview Diablo IV at BlizzCon.

(A guy can dream.)

Fun Fact: We had the percentage in the rift progress bars (all of them) during the RoS beta. It was removed for…reasons? It’s part of a HUD. A HUD by design is a Heads Up Display. That means displaying info “at a glance”, not only showing it when we hover over an area with our mouse while we’re also in combat.

It goes along the same lines as the consolidated buffs holder. I can’t see what’s inside the holder unless I either mouse over it or hold down a specific keybind. I want my buffs out in the open so I can see at a glance. But I don’t get that. I get them hidden behind some inane obstacle, and usually they’re shrine buffs, which expire after just two minutes (without the Gloves of Worship equipped or cubed).

A lot of what turns me off about D3 currently is squarely in the usability/accessibility department, not the gameplay department. I usually adjust to the content changes. I can’t adjust anything about the UI though because it’s locked in stone, unmovable, not click-through, and actively hides relevant information from me unless I jump through hoops to view it.

It’s sad to say, but the console versions have a much better main UI display than the PC version does.

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No, because FoT’s rolls suck wind. It’s the most random Amulet in the game.