IF you Implement MTX , don't sell Stash Tabs!

MTX Dont belong in a 60$ game.


Yeah, that hasn’t been the case for quite a while now.

You can do 2 things. 1, not buy D4. Which is totally fine. 2, buy D4 and not spend money on MTXs. Which is totally fine as well.

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Oh, but we have a vocal minority claiming that seeing others in store bought gear affect their gameplay.

The real “problem” with PoE MTX tabs are the special ones for currencies. Currencies stack only for 20 units and you need huge amounts for some crafting recipes, like 1500 for a 6-linked item. Meaning a whooping 75 stacks to store… and that’s just one of them… and they keep adding new ones, especially with extensions.
That alone is enough to force you to buy these tabs, for the QoL they provide is just mandatory.

Classic tabs on the other end… I bought some because I wanted to collect (and support the game ^^) but you can easily do without them. If you want to collect, and so weight more one the servers, I think it’s fair to make you pay a little extra.

Tell 'em like it is !


One of the biggest problems with PoE…

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They do belong in a $60 game if you want your game to continue to be supported well. You think in 5 years the game is going to get strong support if limited revenue is coming in? Blizzard needs to make money on D4 so that continued support of the franchise makes sense. The more money Blizz can make on D4 the more important the franchise will be to the company (which is probably good for players and Blizz).

Diablo 2 has no MTX so there isn’t much revenue coming in for them but tens of thousand of players are playing. If they had a bit of extra revenue coming in I would bet there would be fewer bots out there or they would at least be more hidden and the dclone would probably get some much needed dev support. Many D2 players have even proposed an annual fee or something in exchange for support - a server perhaps where cheating was not acceptable and a minor bit of dev work 1x/year or somethign. A server pass would be done via buying a pass to play on that server and would give you access to the new dev content (dclone reform, mule upgrade perhaps, etc.) and policed server.

The reason many D2 players play single player is because they’re sick of the bots, some of the sp players would come back to Bnet as well.

The thing is, they can do well without any more money…or they can do just well with expansions only…i don’t want to support a game that i already paid 60$ anymore (unless its for good expansions only)…it’s just a game.The only thing that is worth supporting for, are expansions…nothing else…

Diablo 2 has no “support” and people still playing it…

Diablo 3 as well has no MTX and there are still many people who play it as well…with 1-2 expansions…

if the game is good people will play it no matter what…60$ will be a big support already.

People need to understand that companies love money…they have no problem with “support” and all that bull…t , they just found a way to “milk” the games for many years to come…

Its just anti-consumer practises…that with years people just said , ok…and they gave up… (back in the day there were no MTX , only in-game unlockable things just by playing the game or with cheats)

I wish more companies were like CD Projekt Red… Witcher 3 an awesome game with no MTX and 2 awesome expansions. and they got their income from their f2p card game. but their B2P games HAS NOT MTX , NOTHING ! FULL EXPERIENCE!

Blizzard has revenues from Hearthstone , WoW , Overwatch , Destiny , Starcraft 2 (believe it or not its has MTX) , COD ( MTX as well) , HOTS… I mean they already have a huge support !

When i pay 60$ for a game i want the FULL Experience !

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edit: wait…you’re the OP. lol. we probably agree on these things. still, leaving my post up.

Practically every people here are not talking about game impacting mtx though. We’re talking about costemics mtx.

Not necessarily true (explanation below).

This means Blizz staff is also thinned out. It means, like D3 was send to classic team (or whatever the exact name was), if certain IP/product is deemed less worthy/efficient to allocate resource on compare to other products, Activision Blizz will less prioritized it.

Come on. Activision Blizz gutted its esports, which impacted hugely on the popularity of the game.

Ya, I play about 2-3 games regularly so I wouldn’t mind if the games I played were properly supported (Stardew, Overwatch, Diablo 2, Rimworld sometimes, considering playing WoW w a friend, and the rest of the games I play considerably less). For instance, D2 is full of bots and I’d rather it weren’t. I can’t help but feel like if Blizzard made a more steady, robust stream of revenue for the game that I would probably encounter less cheaters online. If however they want to charge me a supporter fee and they aren’t doing anything about bots then I agree that the game shouldn’t be “milked”.

Basically I’m willing to pay some sort of yearly fee for a premium product (FREE of bots, perhaps content or mtx occasionally or it could be done solely with non-mandatory micro transactions where those purchasers support the rest of us). I would pay $15-30 a season for a supporter server that was simply just monitored for bots. Maybe an anni clone spawn change for free for everyone with the roll out of the supporter server.

Problem is, would Blizz mess with projects like this that would only generate $1 MM per year or so? Maybe too small of a fish to fry. I would fry that fish, but Blizz Corporation? I wish they would. It would be a net gain for them and if it doesn’t work out they just cancel the project.

After 7 months… my point still stands the same !

Don’t sell stash tabs for MTX !

Anything that gives you gameplay advantages must be in-game free !

ps. im fine only with cosmetic MTX and nothing else.

Why must? Diablo isnt e-sports. Its a video game whats meant to be fun for everyone. Esports was specifically created people like you.

I find it so odd there isnt any pure esport gaming company yet.

Flagged for spam bump.

Your thread is dead, deal with it.

D4 isn’t out yet , so im giving them feedback.

Don’t get salty tho… personal loot will come as well… :wink:

Correct me if I’m wrong but other than Half Life Alyx Valve have released only e-sports based titles in the last decade, previous one being Portal 2 in 2011. Since then it has been all Counter Strike, Dota, Artifact and Underlords (not sure if that was meant to be an e-sport).

And Riot basically has League of Legends and Valorant, both entirely meant as e-sports games. The rest are like little League based games and the card game and auto battler. So they are one in my opinion.

It’s already in. Confirmed at Blizzcon 2019.

I kinda agree:
I would say, give enough crucial needed stash space as core feature.

Hiding stash space behind each Season Challenge Wall is the biggest mistake ever made in this epic game.
-I have a max count of characters, but still only the 8 stash tabs, i got with buying the game.

Anything that gives gameplay advantages must be free in-game.

Stash Tabs must be free or purchasable with in-game gold.