If Tyrael became human, can Diablo also?

If when Tyrael had his grace pulled out by Imperius he became a human, if he plucked the evil from the devil he became a human too?

Thinking about it, I remembered a case in which corruption was lifted from someone, it happened in Act IV of Diablo 2, with Izual, who after being defeated and having the evil extending from his body returned to being an angel.

Therefore, it is possible to uproot all evil from someone.

But humans came long after angels and demons, why the hell would they become human when they had grace or evil plucked out?

It makes no sense.

Does anyone here have the answer to that?


I am not sure if Tyrael became human. Tyrael became a mortal angel, flesh and blood instead of light and sound. He did not become human and does not possess their demonic heritage or the potential power it grants the Nephalem. He only appears human. But I could be wrong. :angel: :angel:

If you pay attention to the story line some sort of juxtaposition applies at both Tyrael and Diablo but process is reverse. Diablo always start in a human vessel to reveal itself; Tyrael rebelled and sacrificed to become human also a former angel. Not once Diablo disguised as a human after revealing himself.

Yes, but the question in the topic is: if someone can purify / remove the evil from Diablo, would he become human?

Is there a mortal behind the powers of higher evils?

Good and evil originated when Anu broke in half, so I think there is a mortal behind the powers of Diablo.

When he became a mortal (human or not) by renouncing grace he showed what is behind the “good” powers.

The point is: is there a mortal (human or not) behind Diablo? (not considering the target of possession)

If something like that happens you just ended a whole franchise moving forward for 20+ years in a very absurd way. 'gratz. I chuckled.

Pretty much this. Tyrael never actually became human.
Tyrael, while appearing in a form similar to that of a human, is still considered an angel by those around him, be they friend or foe. The thing however is that Tyrael is now a mortal angel. As such, Tyrael can now presumably die of hunger, thirst, lack of sleep, illness, and among other things that can lay a mortal man to rest, most of which he didn’t have to concern himself with while he still retained his angelic form.


Assuming I’m reading this correctly.
Imperius didn’t remove Tyrael’s angelic essence; Tyrael had committed the act onto himself.

Now regarding Diablo:
It’s unknown whether Diablo, or any demon for that matter, can shed most of their demonic essence in order to gain mortality of sorts. Tbh, I don’t believe it would be possible, as even if they could remove said essence; there’d could be a rather problematic question that would need answer.

Where would that essence go?

Tyrael’s fall upon Sanctuary awoke all of the dead (those who were slain unjustly) within the area of New Tristram and then some. This was something that Tyrael couldn’t control. Now imagine if a demon of the lords of Hell calibur, were to just let loose their essence onto Sanctuary.

Demonic corruption isn’t something that can be removed (at least, no one thus far has shown the capabilities to do so from my knowledge); even Izual, whom the players supposedly redeemed during Diablo 2, was merely thrust back into Hell, only to be called upon by Diablo during Diablo 3. Also, taking a look at his dialogue during Diablo 3, Izual mentality seemed to have even welcomed the corruption.

In the end, neither demons nor angels can become human even if you purge their essence. You could try (if you had the tools and power) to strip them of most of their essence and then sealed said essence away; and thus leave them in a weakened state. However, as we learned from the events of the Diablo franchise, the more powerful the essence you try to contain, the greater it’ll leak out and eventually corrupt the area (as the soulstones and black soulstone did to their surrounding).


True, but has anyone tried this before?

I don’t think so, because Imperius is the one who commands the angels and his methods are very aggressive.

A more exercise-oriented approach could expose the “mortal” behind Diablo’s powers and open up an opportunity to kill him for good.

The essence of Tyrael was in the armor, it is shown in the final video.

In the case of Diablo the essence can also have some form.

And that essence would not be Diablo itself as it is with the sealing stones that “leak” power and influence. It would be only the essence, the source of power, and not the will of those who use power.

In that case the user of the essence would be vulnerable and could be killed forever.

Maybe Diablo IV spoiled that: the Diablo skull.

*As for Izual, he relapsed.

But that does not mean that it has not been purified previously.

He is only more susceptible to the powers of demonic influence.

Tyrael’s essence is his entire being; most of it however is contained within his wings; as shown that the act of removing one’s wings is the act of losing one’s angelic form. However, even though Tyrael lost his angel form, he is still an angel, albeit a far weaker one.

Izual was never purified, if he was, then his replacement would’ve been born; but such event never happened according to Itherael.

If you remove all of Diablo’s essence from his body, then you’re just going be left with a Diablo husk, while his essence will go off somewhere to revive itself in due time with a new body. If you remove most of Diablo’s essence, while still keeping his core essence in his body; then the essence that you removed (whether you seal it or not) would still corrupt the surrounding area until Diablo reunites with it and grows even more powerful.

No, his power is only in the agelical items, he recovered part of them by owning the sword, and that’s it.

He was dying without his angelic artifacts.

And he abdicated the essence of his angelic power, justice, this reinforces the argument that he cannot be an angel without his powers.

The essence of Izual was not born because it is, in fact, a corrupted angel.

I used Izual as an example only to prove that there is a way to be cleansed from evil.

And even though he was purified, he was corrupted again, because it is his weakness as an angel.

There are many doubts at this point.

The essence is the power that what you call “husk” uses to achieve the desired evil.

If the essence is removed, nothing happens, it is just power, it is a weapon on a table, it will only hurt someone if it is manipulated.

The “husk” is the evil being that takes advantage of the essence to achieve its will.

Why should anyone? Have you read the books? Diablo is a prime evil and one of the biggest demons who walk to the earth also at a turf war in hell with his brothers.

What “mortal”? The moment he “dies”, he will be forged in hellfires again to find another way to walk the sanctuary. It’s funny idea though. Poke more around it.

Tyrael was dying because he was subjected to Magda’s torture while mortal. If he was dying because he lacked his sword, then he would’ve died instantly when it broke during his fall. Lastly, while Tyrael rid himself of his title; he didn’t lose any powers because of it, beyond any authoritative powers that were given from being an archangel. After all, he didn’t gain any new powers from taking Malthael’s place and becoming the aspect of wisdom.

But that’s the point Izual was never purified. If Izual was purified, then his essence would’ve returned to the Crystal Arch and his replacement would’ve been born in the years to come.

No, just about any demon’s essence can harm its area even if it’s left alone, unless you seal the said essence in a device or instrument capable of withstanding its malevolent energies. An example of this is Baal and his soulstone in Diablo 2. Baal’s soulstone possessed a large amount of his essence and even though it wasn’t in his possession, it was wrecking Marius’s body. If a demon’s essence is only power, then a feeble human like Marius who couldn’t wield it, shouldn’t have been affected by it. The reason for that is simply that Baal’s essence is malevolent and evil in nature.

Precisely for this reason, after so many failures trying to seal or defeat using brute force, a smarter approach would be welcome.

The mortal who has no power to revive, the mortal who would never return to the flames of hell ever again.

As with Tyrael, who became deadly when he pulled out his own powers.

You’re confusing smart with naivety.

Why should he? Tyrael did a sacrifice for a greater good and blessed for that somewhat with human life. What would be Diablo’s reward? How do you think you can convince him?
I mean this could be great fan fiction though.

The only way you’re going to completely remove Diablo is if you either:

• Seal him in a place from which he can’t return, while having no effect on the area, such as the void… at least until you need some summoner to release him for a sequel.


• A God-like individual wills Diablo out of existence, similar to what Uldyssian did with Mephisto’s son, Lucion.

Otherwise, any other way you may decide to kill Diablo (regardless of if you remove his essence or not); he will return in due time.

Once Tyrael dies (be as a mortal or angelic form), a new archangel of justice may be born. Or Tyrael will simply revive as he did before (which could honestly be considered an oddity in the Diablo verse).

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Exactly, you are a master of Diablo lore my friend. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

This is incorrect.

In the mission in which Tyrael quotes the sword, in the dialogue he has with Cain, he says that the sword was part of him, without the sword he loses part of who he is.

And more. In the final video Tyrael says that he will represent wisdom, not that he will become the aspect of wisdom, much less that he will have the angelic powers that the Aspect of Wisdom (Maltael) possessed.

I think you are a little wrong and you should reread the dialogues of the game.

The problem I have D2 plot is that we didn’t fight Diablo as Dark Wanderer or fighting Diablo-Leah in D3.

I actually like Diablo has human form though. Just like Dracula from Castlevania game where you always need to fight his humanoid form before he uses his true form.

Tyreal doesn’t make irritatingly sassy or condescending remarks.
So given this alone, he is most definitely not human.

To drain all the demonic essence from any demon in the game, all you have to do is shoot them in the knee with an arrow. It instantly turns them into a guard NPC.

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Not at all.
Essences of both Angelic and Demonic nature can be both empowering and damaging to humans, especially those who are unable to withstand them. I’ve already listed an example regarding demons, but if you want an example of how angelic essence effects humans, then look no further than Jacob Staalek and see how El’Druin (Tyrael’s sword) had affected him; and look into the Storm of Light novel to see how losing El’Druin had devastated him.

Well yes, El’Druin is apart of Tyrael as it possesses a portion of his angelic essence. Losing his sword would weaken Tyrael greatly. We saw evidence of this in Diablo 2, when Diablo and Baal were able to defeat and subdue Tyrael once Baal stripped him of his angelic blade. Baal was also weakened without his Soulstone, which was why he tracked Marius down in order to obtain it.

Tyrael himself referred to his “taking up the mantle of wisdom” as becoming the Aspect of Wisdom in the “Book of Tyrael”. My point was that taking the angel’s position whatever it may be, does not grant a person that angel’s powers.

You should know that there’s more to the game’s lore than the in-game dialogue.

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