If there won't be 21:9 & 32:9 Support

yep just look at the beta game play now the pvp crowd jump around pking newbie games and trolling the forum about it they should just remove the hostile button and add pvp arenas that auto hostile when you enter that game one 16:9 and one uw arena then our uw would not matter and all would be happy but the pvp crowd cuz they would not be able to pk anymore… and yes this vignette adds a lot more stress to the already hard working gpu’s. and there was a post about a PC on the forum that when’t up in smoke during 5 hr game play closed beta.

``` this is just a lame no cost way to cut corners due to they are out of time this `https://twitter.com/RodFergusson/status/1428728754646433797` is as i say just a big lie and a bucket of horse crap. and wait and see the response will be like this, after careful deliberation we have decided not to support Ultrawide resolution because it break orginal game logic.bla bla bla horse crap it worked in the alpha