Idea: Boon of the Soloist

Doesnt really solve anything.

I am not a fan of a gem either. You shouldn’t give up a gem slot to get closer to groups. That is kinda one step forward and one step backward.

Do this:

  1. Same or at least nearly same XP buff for everyone. Make it 20% for 1man, 30% for 2-4 man, that is a good start.
  2. Bounty adjustment for 1/2/3 players. More bounty rewards for each of these group sizes.
  3. Reduce monster HP for 1/2/3 players.
  4. Buff follower with new/better items. Make them immortal as default.
    Patch 2.7 re-balancing mega wish-list - some ideas for follower items/buffs in this thread