Idea : An item buffing Corpse Explosion / Final Embrace

Idea : An item buffing Corpse Explosion / Final Embrace
(Could be a ring, amulet, bracers, belt, scythe, phylactery…)
How cool is that ?

Corpse Explosion / Final Embrace
Up to 30 corpses automatically pull themselves each towards a random enemy before exploding in a small radius, dealing 2150% weapon damage per corpse, but Corpse Explosion now costs 0.5% percent of your life per corpse.

Can be autocasted without delay nor movement penalty, just like Devour.

Intented Cool Effect
Necromancer now raises an army of auto-attacking corpses.
That generate corpses.
That attack.

Intended Balance Effect:
Set Corpse Explosion on par with Corpse Lance.
Diversify gameplay in giving players ability to autocast exploding corpses missiles, just like Pestilence does with Corpse Lance.
Corpse Explosion / Final Embrace + Grasps of Essence + Royal grandeur should slighly outperform the Pestilence Devour 20 lances x Corpse Lance / Brittle Touch x17.5 + Critical x4 + Convention of Elements x2.
Trag’oul is best suited, because life regen. It would make Trag’oul great again.
Other sets can also use it, but at the cost of a severe life lost (nearly impossible to balance, so it would be super risky).

Item cannot be a glove, because it has to works with Grasps of Essence.
Item cannot be pauldrons, because it has to works with Corpsewhisper Pauldrons.

Required modification:
Corpsewhisper Pauldrons
Corpse Lance and Corpse Explosion damage is increased by 30% for 3 seconds when you consume a corpse. Max 20 stacks.

Side effect
I’m not sure about the 30 corpses thing, graphically speaking, it might blink too much on the screen. 30 explosions per second surely is mighty, but might be kinda epileptic.
Alternatives :

  • Smaller explosions (“in a small radius”), like those bombing elites
  • Modulate X corpses per second, so X explosions per second. In that case, damage per corpse explosion must be ajusted to compensate.

The power to autocast Corpse Explosion / Final Embrace is given by Trag’oul (Each corpse you consume fires a Corpse Explosion in small radius at a nearby enemy), just like Pestilence does with Corpse lance, to lock the ability to one set. Given the chosen rune, it could be fun. In this configuration, the skill still have to be buffed in terms of damage (the blood buff won’t be enough).

What do you prefer ?
Main description or alternative ?