I wish Rare Items could look like this in D4

Diablo 4 has to move away from D3 as much as it can.

Mainly in the design of the items.

I don’t approve of the abuse of YouTube.

I think the final items, the strongest, should follow the following model of organization of the attributes provided to the character: https://imgur.com/vtUBqd5

3 skills related suffixes.

4 general speed related suffixes.

1 suffix related to direct damage.

1 suffix related to elemental damage.

2 HP-related suffixes and HP regeneration.

2 Mana-related suffixes and mana regeneration.

Supply of all resistances, or at least resistance to half of the elemental types.

Absorb all damage or at least 2 types of elemental damage.

Final damage reduction.

I think they should look like that :stuck_out_tongue:
(Oh, they already do? Maybe legendaries are the problem)

Better, but its kinda not really readable.
I suggest using capital Letters mainly on “T” and use always “bold” for every letter
 also, as you can compare from this post:

The layout seems rather borderless/transparent, and thats more appealing to the eye, as well as the 3D design rather than a cartoony 2D design


Honestly, i would reduce the % of area of effect damage.
Prove me wrong, but area damage should also mean that you recover for every enemy hit in the area X hp, and this would stack it.
I know you like the “X life per hit” feature but it really does not balance the game,
as its been said it can make the item way too strong because it restores TOO MUCH or it can be pretty bad since it can restore BARELY TO NOTHING (depending how much or less life you have).
Thats why Below 1% (e.g. 0.7% or 0.4%) is more balanced than a fix number because it scales DEPENDING your damage(different sources of damage) is not OP regarding the extra life leech from Area of effect (keep it lower than 2 digits % Area of effect affix).
This way Life leech % becomes not overpowered or a dead stat.

AOEs would generally have a much lower coefficient for procs. Like maybe Meteor has a 0,1 coefficient, meaning each enemy hit only gives you 10% lifesteal. And you could always have a cap, where you can get max 100% life steal per attack (but of course also less than that, like if you cast Meteor on a single target giving you only 10% lifestealing).

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The font that I downloaded did not make a distinction between capital and lowercase letters. They all looked the same regardless. I have to find another font, maybe even the font that is used for D2 items, to have a better effect with more readable letters.

There is a difference between “area damage” and “increased area of effect”.
“increased area of effect” would for example increase the detonation radius of a Fireball from e.g. 12 yards to 14 yards, 

while “area damage” would mean that when you attack the primary target, even if it is just with a single target attack, nearby enemies also take a fraction of that damage that you dealt to the initial target.

imo “area damage” should only effect up to x random enemies within a ~10 yards radius (where x can be for example a maximum of 5 enemies), so not every enemy within ~10 yards would be effected by “area damage”.

Furthermore, Life on Hit (or even % life leech) does not have to trigger on “area damage”.

Life per Hit is not unbalanced, or at least it does not have to be if it gets implemented correctly, for example with Skill-specific LpH Multipliers (just like proc-co-efficients, which are also skill specific), which would cause a skill like Seismic Slam to restore more life than Whirlwind or Bash.

Furthermore, there can be a skill-specific limit on how many enemies you can leech life from with an attack, which can both work with LpH and %ll. E.g. only the first 10 enemies you hit with Seismic Slam trigger LpH or %ll, and you gain no benefit from LpH or %ll on all enemies you hit with Seismic Slam after that.

On another skill, this number can be different, for example a Fireball will only trigger LpH or %ll on up to the first 5 or 7 enemies you hit with that skill.


You say LpH can restore “barely nothing” or “too much” , but the same can be said about % life leech. I know it is based on the amount of damage you deal, but it still can restore “barely nothing” or “too much” “depending on how much or less life you have”.

This looks very unstructured imo.

I don’t know if this is the way that item drops on its own, without any enchantments, or if this already has bonuses and enchantments applied on them.

If this is the way the item drops on its own, with a base of 22 affixes, then I would say this is too much. 22 affixes with enchantments, okay, that can work, but still, this presentation is still not really overseeable. It almost appears as a wall of text without any paragraphs.


If you are interested, my major affixes (on all kinds of items, whether they be magic, rare, legendary, runewords, etc) always appear in this order:

° special affixes (legendary items, sets and RW’s only)
° procs (certain procs can also spawn on magic and rare items, not just legendaries)
° +x to skills
° offensive affixes
° defensive affixes
° life recovery affixes
° other affixes (e.g. movement speed, resource cost reduction, slows enemies on hit)
° detrimental affixes (e.g. -15% lightning resistance, etc)

Understandable, though you can also change the size for the first letter

That would have been a lot more work for such a minor thing: marking every single first letter of any word individually and then increasing the size

Then I would prefer to just get my hand on the original D2 font

Grim Dawn items have tons of skill-specific mod. Translate to Diablo, it would be something like:

  • +2 to whirlwind
  • +15% crit damage to whirlwind
  • +50 - 60 physical damage to whirlwind
  • Reduce 25% mana cost to whirlwind
  • And many more

Sure I think D4 can get some inspiration from this. And don’t forget the weird angelic/demonic/ancestral system too.


I think this is as much a discussion on what gameplay effects to include as it is a discussion of what rare items look like.

Will you have culling strike (kill enemies below x% hp).
Will you have crushing blow (% hp done as damage).
Will you have critical strike?
Will you have critical damage?
Will you have chance to hit (Or use Offensive Ability like grim dawn which combines chance to hit, CHC and CHD)?
Will you have x% chance to deal yyy% bonus damage (like crit but independent of it crit)?
Will you have chance to convery xxx% damage on attack (independent of actual damage - depends on attack speed)?
Will attack speed and cast speed be different?
Will there be a hit recovery mechanic?
How does armor and resistances work?
How does blocking work?
Will there be cooldowns?
How important are resources? How do they work (like D2 or D3)?
How do attributes play into all this?

etc etc

I have a good idea of what I want Legendary items to be like versus rare versus magic in a quantitive way (using the term loosely) but the foremost question is what will items do qualitatively. What kind of mechancis (and affixes improving those) do we want to see? I hope blizzard will answer that question.

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Again, it would be relatively easy to make many hundreds of good affixes in Diablo.
So even with like 10 affixes on each item you wouldn’t get anywhere near to getting all you might want - even if you spread your affixes (which would likely be a very bad idea to do in any A-RPG)

I think that would be terrible.
Let’s say you find a item that has
° +4 to Seismic Slam
° 14% Crit Damage to Whirömind
° +40-56 fire damage to Rend
° 20% recued resource costs to Hammer of the Ancients.


I’ll just answer these to my own persal preference

Yes, but the point where Culling Strie sould trigger should be lowered on elites and bosses, and lowed further based on how many people are in your party and how high the difficulty is.

Yes, but the same factos/conditions that apply to Culling Strike apply here as well.

Critical Hit Chance = yes
Critical Hit Damage = either no, OR have very mionor amounts of Crit Damage spawn on some very few rare and magic items, and even if you have equipped them all, the bonus still would be very little, so that you would have to need a legendary item that makes these affixes useful (aka triples your Critical Hit Damage)

I am absolutely okay with proc skills, even on rare and magic items.
Maybe there could be a slider in the option menu wich could allow you to reduce the transparency of your own procs and then also of the procs of yor party members.

Procs are always fun.

sure, but only on some legendaries and not as a basic affix.

[quote=“UngivenFame-1419, post:51, topic:11264”]
Will you have chance to convery xxx% damage on attack (independent of actual damage - depends on attack speed)?

You mean if there should be an affix that converts some of your damage into attack speed?
Like you have 1000 damage and of the 1000, 200 get turned into attack speed and for every 10 damage you gain 2% increased attack speed, which would mean in the end you had 800 damage and 80% increased attack speed? -numbers are just examles?

Yes, sure, but only as legendary affix or as a character specific passive skill.

This comes down to personalpreference.
I am okay with both of them being the same.

for me personally stun/freeze/root/blind/etc (aka hard CC’s) and CC Resistance are enough.

This again is my own preference
Armor always mitigates a percentage of the incoming damage based on its armor value.

Then in addition to that,
° Cloth Armor gives you additional Energy Shield,
° Leather Armor gives you additional Dodge Chance,
° Medium Armor gives you additional Armor,
° and Plate Armor gives you three things: additional armor or top of the, flat physical damage reduced based on your armor value, but it also slows down your movement speed.

Resistances always let ~30-35% of all damage through, regarless of how your resistances are. Then, the remaining 70-65% of the damage get reduced by a percentage of your resistance.

Your Resistance is determined by your resistance value. E.g. 1500 Fire Resistance = 50% Fire Resistance.

Either blocking an attack mitigates 100% o that damage or anywhere between 35-80% of the damage, but not by a flat value.

However, if a flat value and a percentage mitigation get combined together, then I am fine.

Yes, please!
I know it is my personal preference, but I like them.

Unique, class specific resources are fine, but you should not get easily access to things that make them redundant like in D3 (equip this legendary and suddenly Skill X almost cost no resource anymore)

A too large topic right now to elaborate on.
I personally would like to se something like this:


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I would add something like this for the damage types. Weapons with more than one type would use the right type depending on the skill’s type of damage. Here i didn’t include magic but it could appear in some weapons.

I like the “innate weapon type bonus” thing, and i include some examples: mace could have a % stunn chance, and a bill could have a chance to hook enemies.

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demons are hard to categorize into armoured and unarmoured enemies
thats, why such a system would not happen in a game like diablo
most enemies are naked demons and certain weapons would be useless in bossfight, making the whole itemization unbalanced

Creatures can have exoskeletons, bones, the skin can be hardder. In fantasy dragons can have very hard skins.

But it can be called low armor (no armor), medium and high too. It is all about resistances: high armored creatures would have high resistance against piercing and slashing but lower against bludgeoning, while low armor ones will have lower resistances but would be more vulnerable to piercing and slash bcs this damages are naturally higher (or, if they don’t like that, just make the bludgeoning resistance higher than the others).

Could be, but bring a weapon with fire damage to a fire immune (or with high fire resistance) boss has the same effect. The whole idea is to bring physical damage to the same level than magical, and the physical resistances to the same level of magical ones: there are many of one and only one of the other.

This also give meaning to the enemies resistances too.

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well if its not going the way of immunities
its a problem in games with very specialized builds, that you have to ignore certain mobs, rather than killing them
if its some trashes, ok
if its whole bosses, it makes the game unbalanced
this should also be considered with elements

i like the idea of effects of weapon types: stun, bleed, crit
but heavy resistances are dangerous

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Didn’t suggest about immunities, it was just an example of something that was in the game series.

The idea is simple, we have physical and magical damage and resistances. But magical damage and resistances come in the form of Cold, Fire, Lightning and Poison, for example. But what about Physical? Nothing, it is only that. The idea is to divide it like they do with magical damage/resistances, into piercing, slash and bludgeoning damage and resistances.

Now, the unarmored, and armored thing was an example of what one could find. Armored enemies would have higher piercing and slashing resistances, while unarmored ones would have lower resistances in general (physical i mean). The same way that an enemy made of ice would have higher resistance to cold and lower to fire.

The idea about the items: have more than one of type of damage on them to give different uses with different skills: a bludgeoning skill would require a weapon that deal bludgeoning damage.

Video to post a picture?

Physical damage can be split into Cutting and Impact damage

  • Cutting from sharp weapons,
  • Impact for maces, stuns, jumps, earth damage. (everything weight based or that knocks)
  • Piercing can be an additional resistance option indeed (where Pikes and spears could play a role too)
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