I want to play diablo 3 and diablo 4 on steam deck,

make it possible blizzard, please. immortal devil is not a possibility for me.

Otherwise we will always have lost ark and wolcen, but diablo is king.


You need Steam to play a game? Really?


Why would you think Blizzard will cooperate with Steam and split their revenue to Steam when they can get 100% revenue for themselves?


It’s a handheld piece of hardware - https://store.steampowered.com/steamdeck

But, damn, who’s going to pay £349 to £569 for that?

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There are people that will buy it just to be able to say they own one.

Really is just hoarding on another level.

I don’t use steam.

Don’t care for it.


According to Valve you can play non-Steam games on it too.

If true, Blizzard might not have to do a thing.

Actually seems like a decent device, in a sense. But handheld/mobile gaming (I know, this is more of a hybrid) is terrible imo, so eh, it is a pass.


They be much better off dealing with Nintendo especially with the new OLED Switch coming in October

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Will never happen. Battlenet is Blizzard’s steam.


Give it time, someone will root it. Looks like the scalpers are raking in the bucks on it as well. :man_facepalming:

The Steam deck is able to run windows so it will be able to run D3 easily.

D4 will actually have native controller support so it’s probably going to be a lot better experience but the graphics are probably going to be on pretty low.

Blizzard don’t need to do anything to support the steam deck specifically as it’s basically a laptop in a micro form factor.


If Steam Deck can run stuff like Control on decent settings, I cant imagine it wont also run D4 on decent settings.

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Things might be changing, EA moved to Steam already.

Blizzard should try Pay Per Hour business model, you buy 100 hour, you can play all their games.

Impossible. That would be like gifting 30% revenues to Steam. Blizzard already has the infrastructure model build into to launch on its own.

Also Diablo3 is a game that requires very active server management and policy. That can’t happen on Steam or will be very costly and poorly executed. Cheaters etc


People are really skipping over the part of: you can run games outside of Steam. It isn’t about whether Blizzards games would arrive on Steam (which is extremely unlikely).

Unless something changes, this device will be able to run D3. And likely D4.

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It’s a portable PC, it’ll be able to run Diablo 4.

But you don’t need to root it, it is a PC not a locked system. Not recommended but you could install windows on it if you desire. Also if you can run Diablo on linux then you can run it on steam deck and it seems that it works on Proton so it should be good to go.
You won’t be able to play games with complex anti cheat systems (like PUBG I believe?)

That’s the day I stop playing games.


Steam Deck is not just for steam. It runs Linux and can play games/use apps from basically anything. It is essentially a PC in the shape of a handheld gaming device. So yes, you should be able to run Diablo 3 and probably 4 on it. You can also use XBox game pass, Epic, etc. This is not like other consoles where it is very restricted.

oops, somewhat old thread was brought back…didn’t notice :confused:

I think he means a standalone Deck version running on Steam OS. They don’t get 100% from Nintendo they get 70% same cut as Valve and the mobile UI conversion is already done. Maybe we’ll see Immortal on Deck instead, Android and SteamOS are both Linux based…

Me. Already pre-ordered, but the waiting list is long.