I want outdated mechanics

D2R most likely isn’t going to. Skyrim is like the only game that supports mods on console.

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Nah i just play PD2! havnt really botted since back in the day when Bnet was riddled with every known hack to man kind! Hell im pretty sure everyone map hacked back in the day lol! Im not going to run any bots i will play the first season and just log in every now and then! Ive done my 100000000 meph runs , Chaos runs , Pindle , etc! I played enough of this game in high school and over the years with mods. Im not going to waste my time playing a 20 year old game that is out dated when mods do everything i need. Graphics are meh to me! Even when D2 was at its peak you had every hack known to man kind running it was like if your not doing it your not trying hard enough. It was also very clear who botted and who didnt if you didnt you found nothing and had nothing this was clear as day! Its kinda funny because D2 was and is known as one of the most hacked and exploited games of all time! I mean most people on this forum are worried about bots , dupes and all sorts of hacks? What has changed nothing? some new graphics and the same old clunky broken game i played in high school ROFL! This game has never been legit and it never will! With out instanced or Ploot its a waste competing with friends over items and hanging out in discord but no the same game ROFL! would you like to start new toons on PD2 and will see who can click faster who can actually play the game because base D2 LOD is a joke class balance is such a ROFL moment I can honestly just wait for a mod to do make a better D2 then 1.14 hell 1.14 is a trash version to begin with!

Spoiler Nothing will change from back then to now except graphics. You still will have a ghost town riddled with bots! The lot of us will wait for Modders to mod because ROFL base 1.14 ROFL

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No you didn’t. No one could do that while showing so much discontempt for D2 like you do on these forums.

Guys we have a new Nostradamus here, take heed!

Good choice!

Yes i am pretty sure about this.

Not everyone is so cheap.

Another good choice!

Your bot maybe.

Ah the glorious single player.

I have to admit this is another good choice!


Well actually only the cheaters in the game arent legit.

Sooooo you need to compete with your friends for loot? You friends are interesting.

Well this is again a win-win situation.

Spoiler its a remaster. The game dont need big changes.

Well maybe ask Blizz to ban bots. What surprises me you havent asked for this.

For somebody who getting items trough bots im pretty sure its irrelevant what is the base version of the game.

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I do wish that Leap Attack was a little bit quicker, though. But, I’m guessing that it would make a very large crowd of PVPers unhappy.

I agree bro, i just want a carbon copy of the game with a ton of human moderation to keep the botters and hackers out. seems like everyone is convinced that blizzard isnt gonna do anything about the bots, based on how they handle this situation in other games. I am a bit nervous to say the least… however i play d2 hccl right now… we have to deal with bots muddying up our ladder and those same people selling items on D2jsp… which ruins the legit economy… but still after all that we have fun and we find a way to enjoy the game with the people we choose to play with… im not playing with loot hungry nubs who cant clear content solo. its just not gonna happen lol so im not worried about loot or not getting loot… but eh one thing im curious about is the bugged loot drops from each acts main boss. im not sure if the majority of people know about this bugg… but i cant imagine d2r without it. any thoughts geezer?

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So far the devs have explicitly said they plan on keeping those types of bugs, unless they’re negative to the player.

Knowing how important those bugs are to Classic, I’m grateful they seem to understand keeping certain bugs is a positive.


you just talk the same nonsense over and over again.
if you dont want to deal with good old d2 u can play another game :stuck_out_tongue:

I have never seen so much crap in one place


For sure, I’m going to remain positive about all this classic stuff. Hopefully Blizzard is taking as much as they can into consideration. :slight_smile:


Imagine if things like clag got “fixed…” What a huge loss!