I played New Natalya for more than 6 hours

New Natalya 6P 10000% is not enough,it is clunky,and the operation is complex.Its performance on the non-season ladder is lower than expectation.so I propose buff 6p bounus:10000%→15000%.
Another problem is that I stand next to the elite and release the Caltrops, but I’m not sure whether the elite stands on the Caltrops, because the influence range of the Caltrops is only 12 yards. In order to help players easily release Caltrops to the elite, I suggest that the Natalya 2P bonus increase the effect range of Caltrops be doubled (24 yards).
But even if the elite didn’t stand on the Caltrops,the Spike Traps would only lose 100% of the damage. So the biggest problem is still that the Natalya 6P bounus is not enough. So, we need only one change is:6P 10000%→15000%.plz Hot Fixes before the S28 season.

I have an easier solution. Just change it back. Looking at Max-roll, it was the DH only S-Tier build that was a guarantee to do a 150. Now we have none.