I just lost my main on HC due to the game DC

This is the 3rd toon I lost due to getting DC, I know it’s not my ISP because I’m wired to my modern and everyone else in my house is on wifi and was still connected. Plus I was watching Hulu on my 2nd monitor connected to the same computer I’m playing on. hunting the gibberstone and entering the cave and I got DC. came back and I was dead. if you get DC from the game, you can do something so we don’t die :confused:

I have no problem dying on HC if I’m playing the game but not when I Get DC from the server. I’m at the point where I want to give up this season


You’re not the only one.

There was discussion about this not long ago on here. I love HC and that’s what I play the majority of the time. I have 1 gig fiber, connected via ethernet and only ever experience lag on HC. I sometimes have this rubber-banding effect (not all the time) that I never experience on SC.

Someone else mentioned the possibility of low HC players and a lower budget server, which makes sense but still speculation.


Sorry you lost your characters moo moo!

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I just logged back on and in under two mins I got Dc again. lucky I was still in town. I logged in my test toon that was lvl 31 to buy things with blood shards. I should have plenty of extra loot to build up a justice set, at least it should take me that long to get back up to speed.

Seasonal HC has been made more tolerant to DC from the altar and wearing level 70 gear at level 1 however, that’s a bandaid. I would honestly pick stable HC servers over that any day.

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Not marginalizing HC deaths due to DCs, but I’ve never had it happen. So the connection can be stable, suggesting the issue is not solely focused on the servers themselves.

As for lag spikes, rubberbanding, etc, I’ve experienced those proportionally across the two modes.

Granted that’s all on my home region of Americas. On EU I get more lag-based issues, but not not enough to be afraid of HC play. And on Asia I disconnected quite a bit. But all that is expected considering the the routing between me and those servers.

In a world where internet traffic is the behemoth it is, many providers depriortize certain kinds of traffic. I’d bet most people who use providers (or hardware) that deprioritize game traffic don’t even know it.

Unfortunately that’s not really feasible due to the potential for abuse.

Okay, so this. In the name of preemptive problem mitigation, that wasn’t a wise move while playing HC! You were asking for trouble.


i know this is kind of a sucky response to hear but, unfortunately when you sign up for the hardcore life, you sign up for all the inevitable stupid crap that could end your run. Much like life, you can do everything right but the universe decides to throw a steel chair at you. Especially in an always online game, its something you’ll always have to acknowledge can happen, hence why i don’t really tend to play hardcore in d3 but i will dabble in it in say diablo 2. Remaking a diablo 2 character is much easier imo

“Death for ANY reason” comes to mind.


Internet has generally become worse over the last few months.
Progress is offset by increased demand and complexity (such as live threat protection).

I stopped playing Heroes since May because within their provider, twelve99 there was measurable latency (+90ms at two hops) and the game would keep disconnecting. I kept noticing spikes in all other Blizzard titles, MoPR in particular when playing in a group and gems were firing.

But, occasionally (much less!) in other games, too, so it’s not just them.

Due to moving I’ve purchased a temporary solution which is mobile based, usually it’s perfect, but there are random dropouts and then windows where it keeps restarting every other minute endlessly. Yesterday morning I couldn’t play GW2 at all.

(I would have returned the service on day 2 if it were that bad.)

So in my experience, internet 2024 is not suitable for continuous connections, online games, and hardcore in particular. We purchase subscriptions with lock-in, not much to do except fight to define SLA by law. (It exists, but there are mountains so it just requires 0, so it’s pointless.)

It seems to be smart to prefer offline solutions. Local games, pre-download videos, stuff like that.

That argument shouldn’t stand in 2024. There is more than enough bandwidth both of the network and the processor (video is like 10Mbps downstream). In fact, updates and downloads happen randomly (Steam, for example). You can have multiple people living together (unheard of).

A packet loss is simply a packet loss.

Unlimited peer to peer would be a different story.

Really I’m just sad that it’s not an iota better than 2004 with my 384/64 Kbps connection using a 366 MHz single core Intel Celeron. I mean, it’s faster when it works.

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It does stand, pretty solidly unfortunately.

No matter the current time or level of technology, none of it is immune from hiccups. Hardware and software glitch, traffic congests, tasks/processes compete, high priority trumps low priority, etc, etc. In D3’s case, adding purely unnecessary draw on top of what could happen is asking for trouble if choosing to play HC.

Not everyone has personal access to the same level of technology as well. And not everyone is assigned the same level of tech between them and their destination. Just using video streaming as an example, even in 2024, for many, streaming video can drag the rest of a household LAN down.


This is correct. Streaming 4K video with HDR uses roughly 25Mbps and gaming takes up a LOT less bandwidth than people think it does. Not sure exactly the bandwidth the OP had, but it’s likely he shouldn’t have had any issues unless he’s one of those outliers who still have 20Mbps like one of my co-workers. People with high bandwidth down and upstreams should not have any issues what-so-ever with this, which is why I mentioned my 1 gig fiber, which is synchronous and playing HC is the only time I ever experience these things. Reading over reddit, seems the majority notice the same exact thing, which is comforting but sad at the same time.

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Keep in mind that sample doesn’t significantly represent the whole.

SC players don’t have nearly the same need to take to the internet when their characters die from a DC. There’s going to be far, far more testimonials of HC players due to their frustrations. That skews the sample which misrepresents the whole. And in situations like this, it can inadvertently lead to confirmation bias.

Myself, I haven’t had any more or any less issues between the modes. Of the random and arranged HC players I’ve grouped with, none have ever commented that HC was giving them more trouble. Many of the publically visible HC players rarely complain of disproportionate problems.


Playing HC while watching a movie…now there’s a great idea! LOL

What could go wrong!


That will depend on several factors… bandwidth and what you’re watching.

I can game while someone in the livingroom is streaming a 4K movie and 2 others are streaming youtube on their phones and have zero problems with 1 gig up/down.

Yeah, I’m not talking about the technical side, though. As has already been said, OP was asking for trouble. Not paying attention and sucking up more bandwidth = not smart for HC.

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If you’re talking about paying attention to the movie instead of the game, that can cause issues if you’re not paying attention but it’s not uncommon for people to do as long as you don’t lose focus on safety. You can be excellent in multi-tasking but still have shady connection issues, which have been well documented.

OK dude…you’re right.


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So you’re not talking about the technical side or paying attention. What are you referring to then?

Ok, I see you edited your reply.

You said you were not referring to the technical side but still said sucking up more bandwidth. Games do not take up much band width at all, especially games like this. OP never stated what kind of internet he has. If he says he’s on some 20mbps cable or one of those rural deals, it would bring some light on the subject.

You could try to change servers. Not regions, but servers. Under settings, the gear, next to your play button, navigate to “game settings.” Look for a dialog box that says “additional command line arguments.” Check it. Input the following:

OnlineService.Matchmaking.ServerPool=SA1. If EU, then AU after the equal sign.

Save and exit. Ping will be in the low 200’s. That’s going from NA to SA. Can’t speak for EU. Its higher ping/greater stability vs fewer players. You decide if the tradeoffs are worth it. Good luck.

If you want to try selecting a server, here are the commands you can use:

Region Server Command Line Argument
Americas NA OnlineService.Matchmaking.ServerPool=Default
Americas AU OnlineService.Matchmaking.ServerPool=AU1
Americas SA OnlineService.Matchmaking.ServerPool=SA1
Asia TW OnlineService.Matchmaking.ServerPool=TW3
Asia KR OnlineService.Matchmaking.ServerPool=Default
Europe EU OnlineService.Matchmaking.ServerPool=Default
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