I have one request for D4

No “meta” builds. If you are going to include a variety of spells/abilities for the player to choose from then all of them should be viable even at the highest levels.

It’s the opposite in D3. You have tons of combinations you can develop between gear and abilities. I’ve had alot of fun developing builds that nobody would ever think of for Wizard, including a couple that are now on Icy that I find pride in knowing I did it first haha. But never the less almost all of them have no chance beyond GR90-100. That’s just disappointing and where it’s the opposite of how I think it ought to be. The game won’t be fun to me, if I just get stuck playing the same build, as everyone else especially in a game where you just keep running the same content over and over again (just at harder difficulties).

Obviously not “everything” will work, the right combinations are important. But you’re doing something wrong if theres only 2-3 builds that are viable and creativity is not an option. Seems like the devs made attempts to move things around over the years but all they really accomplished was changing which gear set was the meta.

I know theres players that will disagree, this is after all a battle of opinions. But theres mine.

The players will eventually discover the 2-3 builds that will be better than other combinations.

It’s not like it’s set on the creation of the system. It just gets discovered.

In Diablo 3 they tried to brake that by set item builds and that only makes the discovering process faster than without initially known bonuses on certain skill sets to start with.

So, no matter what they do skill tree wise and how many skills they create, there will be the few best combinations and builds which players will eventually discover.

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…Will exist in any game that is ever developed whether it is Chess, Monopoly, or Global Thermal Nuclear War.

Don’t fight inevitability.

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