I hate demon hunter

ah yes, you are right. I don’t run a lot of group and I haven’t ran group in probably 2 or 3 years. I had forgotten this. Thanks.

Yes, this is me too. I played with a bunch of other Aussies on the PS4 now and then and it was fun. None of them were super serious and I was easily the best ranked player in the group.

WTH LOL? How is that balanced? It destroys the raison d’etre of being a ranged character, out of harms way. And what of a s6 impale DH which is a melee character? Does it take an extra 30% damage? I never knew this. Wow, such bad game design Blizzard.

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It’s actually 42% more damage. But it’s because it’s upside down.

The 30% less damage taken for some classes doesn’t seem to matter much because there are more ways to mitigate damage that can benefit the classes that don’t have the 30% discount.


Not upside down but it’s effective health; 100 / (1.0 - 0.3) = 142. Melee classes have 42% more effective health from 30% damage mitigation compared to ranged classes. 30% damage mitigation just makes them 42% more durable at base level compared to the character that has none.
Yep. I got my cup of coffee.

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Witch Doctors seem to get the bad end of that stick.
They don’t have the damage of Necros or the mitigation skills of DH or Wiz, just Soul Harvest and they have to get in melee range to use it!

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LMAO so many comments and offtopic chatter… just to say ““You should have followed some videos how to Master the Set Dungeons.””
But the Challenge rift you mentioned is another game mode we choose in main menu, Right where you switch difficulty, and choose Campaign /Adventure mode /Challenge rift mode.
Is that what you mean ? :smiley:

In my opinion even objectively the most difficult set dungeons are pretty easy, its just a game, and the most tries i needed to Master the “hard” ones was probably like 5 runs…
And most of the time its because i had too much damage :wink:
No big deal. Not a challenge at all.

LOL, im usually in top 10 on my first try in most builds, not even bothering to watch anything or replay them.
Honestly i find it really funny seeing how hard others are trying at it, and how bad they are in greater rifts when i play with them…

They stand behind a wall of summons and can inflict mass crowd control; Piranhas or Mass Confusion. Getting into melee distance requires some risk and it’s not odd that they get rewarded for it with damage and defense boost. As for damage output, it slowly snowballs to the peak while they don’t wait cooldowns for too long unlike Necros.

As for their efficient range, their Sets usually designed with that in mind and any Set that offers shorter distance of reach, have higher damage mitigation bonus embed into it, right from the start. I also think people also overlook Witch Doctors’ passives actually. They have plenty of useful passives for defense.

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You are obviously a skilled D3 player with a lot of knowledge about the game and gameplay. This is also why I wondered why you at the same time have expressed so much hate/dislike toward the game and Blizzard and almost everything. And also about Blizzard hating the game and the players.


It really depends on the build, the WD is between the two. I don’t ask for more roughness. But… (There is always a “but”…)

If I take currently efficient builds:

Ranged build:

  • Zunimassa ( I don’t prefer to talk about the defense, I could become obscene)
  • Arachy Chickens (but you have to be in the melee sometimes)

Melee build:

  • Hellthoot Teddy bears
  • Jade harvester

Mundu… Not sure. Maybe more a ranged build.

Either way, on paper, WD is ranged class, it works, in game it’s a different story.

Once again, I’m not asking for more defense, but thinking that the WD is a ranged class who hides behind summonses is an error.

How effective is a WD if it has to accumulate passives just for defense, while there are others for attack?


wow, so even worse?

if my DH looks at a monster from a distance, does it take damage :wink:

no wonder some classes are OP…


Like any other build you just need to pick one defensive passive usually, besides a cheat-death in case you need it. Some Wizard builds on popular guides can be seen packing Blur or Unwavering with Galvanizing Ward and I think they’re doing fine overall.
Witch Doctor have very strong and easy to maintain defensive passives, however they also excel at offense ones and that cause their defensive capabilities to fade in comparison. I understand that no one would care about Bad Medicine when you need Gruesome Feast and Confidence Ritual though.

I am right that Witch Doctors hide behind their pets. Yet, I have never implied that it is a full blown ranged class. The most loner WD build can inflict mass crowd control up close and no one can deny that. I even expressed how their damage mitigation values on Sets reflect their potential reach of range. Addition to that we can also talk about, expected risk in the form of positioning or, wildcard action slots you can replace on your core build.

WD doesn’t have the inate reduction which is the problem on top of having to stay in melee range.

Their pets won’t change that. Why do you feel they will?



yes, DH, necromancer, wd and wizard take 30% more damage. you dont know that?.
and allow me to add more, sounds at least “weird” to me, that DH with tons of Dex and the toon have no good Dodge rate.

WD is an announced tragedy

Very Incorrect.

The melee classes, Barb, monk and crusader, are given a passive source of damage reduction of 30%, because it was expected they would get hit more often. If that were the only source of damage reduction in the game then you could accurately say melee classes take 30% less damage relative to non-melee classes and the mathematical inverse would be that non-melee classes take 42.9% more damage relative to melee.

But that isn’t the only source of damage reduction is it? Every character has armor, resistances, and other skills/items factoring in and each source of damage reduction is multiplicatively applied. The final amount of actual damage taken will be far less than 30% and depending on the character’s gear and build may not favor a melee character at all.


yea, but that wont change too much, as you know, in some cases, wizard for example, from no were, take a single hit and dies… this % we refering here make alot of difference at very high Gr challange, so we can see alot of players made sockets with ruby to get more armor, or in some cases the put emeralds to increase didge chance and defense.

good pointing.

Demonhunter has the funnest farming and mid gr lvl builds. Gears is crazy til 140. Ue is great farmer. Next season we should get spin to win impale back.

On the 140+ end marauders and Natalya are bonkers powerful but in many views very not fun to play.


with respect … if someone take less damage, there is other who takes more. it is how diablo3 atm works. this is well-known data from the game…

hi …

i like Sader … super fast …

Wizards socket Rubies for the same reason Barbarians socket Diamonds: there are diminishing returns for adding more of your own primary stat both offensively and defensively. Rubies add armor. Diamonds add All Resist. Wizards already have massive resistance values from their primary stat and at high levels get far more defensively by adding armor. The same is true for Barbarians: they have lots of armor already but need All Resist thus diamonds instead of rubies.

And if someone does more damage, there are others who do less. Whoopty doo! You seem to grasp the concept of FOTM builds.

And it has nothing to do with the discussion which was about 30% inherit damage reduction that Barbarians, Monks, and Crusaders get and its impact on game play. If their 30% damage reduction was so OP, as you seem think, the melee classes would rule the Season Leaders Boards. Except they don’t. The crown is clearly shared by Necromancers and Wizards. Monks at a distant 3rd although you could argue that DH’s should be 3rd considering there are nearly 2x as many DH’s at 150 than monks. Then Barbs well behind DH’s/monks. Then crusaders. Bringing up the rear is our sadly nerfed into oblivion WD friends.

That 30% damage reduction for melee classes is useful but ultimately a non-factor in class performance.

Side note: I seriously hope English isn’t your first language.


beside english… u talk any thing else ?.

lol …

inteligence add all res, dex add dodge … ok ok … lol… good.

seriously …