I had a tear for the new trailer

I respect you as a fellow one who knows how to argument correctly.

Rotator cuff tear?

I don’t remember Diablo 1 well enough to comment. But it was a good game for its days.

I was obviously exagerating and memeing a little, but D1 is my favorite because I have a soft spot for horror and D1 was the one closest to that theme. Also because the overall roguelike structure of having a town hub and a multilevel dungeon feels very much like a place to me and makes me appreciate the scenery.

For people who just want an arcade demon wrecking experience that D3 and even D2 provides, D1 will definitely not be the best game in the series. I’m more about the vibe, exploring dangerous labyrinths, etc. So when I say the game “will never be surpassed” I really mean it in terms of my preferences, because the series took a much more grander scale and power fantasy style and that’s less my preference.


Gotcha. From what I can remember, D1 was a good game but D2 expanded it by a lot.