I guess we should be thankful we didnt get D3 druid?

i mean, like, blizzard literally created the worst iteration of the druid class ever in any game all time.

i just dont understand how you can have the blueprints copywrite D2 druid right there in you own office, and fail so hard with D4 druid. its literally unimaginably bad.

easily the least played class. the voice acting is embarrassing but thats my opinion, and spirit, if i hear “not enough spirit” one more time i’m going to go samuel l jackson on the game.

d4 is such a disappointment. just postpone it please.

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I would still pay for a druid class here like I did for the Necro. D4 is just not for me. I pre ordered, got into the early beta and cancelled my preorder that day. Yesterday I decided to give it another shot, maybe I’d like the druid class… Nope still a horrible miserable experience. I don’t understand the white knight fan boys but to each their own.

Honestly I know it won’t happen (or rather an insanely slim chance, like winning the lotto slim) but I would prefer small D3 packs of new classes, zones, end game content for $10 to $25 bucks depending on what we get then w/e they’ve had in store for us with Immortal and D4.


I’m 103% sure Asmongold is stealing my content for videos.


You were able to log in?

Congratulations! You win!

Blizz is double downing on the MMO sh*t… Druid has no damage to force on the “Tank role” while grouping… RIP D4

Well we know which character to not play on June release date!!!


If I’m a white knight fan boy then fine… It’s just the alpha or closed beta or open beta BUT, it is not the finished game.

I am waiting patiently till June release to actually play seriously.

But, hehe, I will not be playing the weak, fat boy Druid for my first hero.

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The full game won’t change from the beta, aside from having more content. However all the core issues will be there. Class balance will be a joke for a while. Game will eat through ram. Invisible walls will still be there. Boring dungeon design and having to backtrack constantly. I could go on and on. All that will change is access to more zones, and abilities but the rest will take a while to fix. If the core issues don’t bother you, then by all means enjoy the game.

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LOL, core issues?

I’m just waiting for the release in early June.

There will be so many changes in first 6 months to a year that your head will spin.

It always amazes me how so many people lose it over small details the alpha or beta of any game, OS or application shows.

and in the end… it’s just a game in the digital world.

The real world is analog (no digital).

So I really don’t care one way or the other about what D4 open beta shows atm.

There will be so many changes in first 6 months to a year that your head will spin.

Maybe that would be the appropriate time to pay for a product… When it is ready.


Exactly. If a game needs that many changes within the first year alone than said game is clearly a unfinished product

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Are you just trolling now? Cause that’s what this feels like.

There will be so many changes in first 6 months to a year that your head will spin.

  1. If there are going to be so many changes in the first 6 months to a year, then maybe it should be better polished to where it doesn’t need an overhaul to the system.

and in the end… it’s just a game in the digital world.

  1. That you’re using your real world time to play. Idk maybe if you’re not mentally handicapped you would see that. I would prefer to spend my entertainment / relaxation time on something that’s better made, but again to each their own.

So I really don’t care one way or the other about what D4 open beta shows atm.

  1. You really are Blizzard’s perfect costumer. They can give you any pile of dung, and you’ll be happy with it. Cheers mate, it’s how companies like this stay in business. Well guess better your $$ than ours.
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It’s early and the game won’t be released until June 6. Ofc there will be balancing issues, classes under/overperforming. I’m sure they will fix the spirit issues. You can also get nodes on skill tree to get abit faster spirit gain, also from gear etc. Try to come up with constructive feedback at least instead of bashing. Do you expect everything to be perfect this early?

haha you think it’s a balancing issue. haha

played the druid land slide spec but the damage is just realy low was lvl 16 when i tryed the butcher a real horror wipe afther wipe, maiby end lvl will be better when i get my hand on legendary’s and set’s but low lvl in yellow and blue’s no man.

they botched druid so hard.

could have literally just copy pasted the d2 elemental tree and been better off. landslide is garbage, it looks like garbage, all the wind spells look bad and do no damage.

druid is literally the worst version in any game and any genre.