I got bored with the season. Am I alone?

i started the season in HC, as I do every season. Maybe going back to HC is the answer to my boredom? I will give it a shot.

That’s not a bad idea either. I know there are some achievements that I keep looking at and saying to myself “I gotta get that one.” Thanks for the thought.

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I know it can be done. I just haven’t. And, as I said, I wanted to try to get both my 98s to 100 in one shot. I don’t have to, but I actually dislike GRs a great deal as they are incredibly boring. Unlike most everyone, I do not “fish” them. The regular Rifts are more interesting, overall, to me but often not very challenging.

Anyway, thanks for being seasonable.

This season all that is different is that I’m gearing up my companion as well. It’s a neat idea. I do like emanate, but it doesn’t have enough of an impact to make it feel all that unique. I am playing in hopes of getting that adorable final pet by completing the seasonal rewards. Not sure that I will be able to put the time and effort into reaching that point before I get bored though. The biggest roadblocks for me are finishing a rift in 2 minutes an completing 2 seasonal conquests. Often I just get tired of it or frustrated and just stop playing a season then.

I will say I absolutely hated last season as a Crusader. Not only did the free set not have a set dungeon, my companion would use his falling sword ability and never come back down. He was completely useless.

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I pretty much stopped after the first week of S23. I had Guardian of the season journey finished on the 2nd or 3rd day in. From there it was mostly getting one or two characters up to T16 speeds. Tried the new Firebird set for Wizard and now pretty much taking a break.

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this is the least I have played since season 16

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This season had me messing a lot with Follower Gear. For instance, you can get follower’s survivability high enough to survive T16 without invincibility if you stack enough Vitality(which gets 2.5x bonus) and secondary defensive stats, the two legendary gems Mutilation Guard and Esoteric Alteration are the only two leg. gems that work on Followers, which also drastically increase their survivability. So, it opens up the option to reduce follower cooldowns or access all abilities in T16. Tested it myself and it can definitely be done while also reaching 25k primary stat.

It would be interesting and fun if in the future they expanded follower’s survivability options by say allowing them to benefit from more legendary abilities and more legendary gems. Then, it might be an option to adjust it well enough that you could use those other follower bonuses while pushing GR too.


I have been having a blast. I am gearing up my followers, and seeing how they can affect my play.

OTOH, I don’t try to blast through everything as quickly as I possibly can.

I have never understood why people complain after they run to the end game as quickly as they possibly can.

Yes you are wrong. Entirely wrong

Each gem is independent. And between 0-6 levels of GR higher than the gem it’s still 60%.

so a 98 gem has 60% chance of success on a 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103. If you succeed on your first 98 gem, the other 98 gem has this same chance. And it’s still 60% trying to get a 99 gem to 100 on 99-104.

And you only need a GR109 to have 100% chance to go from 99 to 100.

Maybe lack of understanding is why you’ve never had a lvl100 gem? Check out below for the nitty gritty and good luck getting those to 100.


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play hardcore. instant excitement


Until you have a disconnect or the game freezes. :point_up_2:

I’m running bomb sader, I don’t give a rats a$$ about disconnect or freeze

No, not wrong. I’ll just go with “misinformed,” at worse due to lack of bothersome worry unlike most anyone else. Is this game a religion to you?

Restating stupidity doesn’t correct it.

This season is awful. Just for reference, s22 had 24 S tier builds. You know how many s23 has? 4. No joke there’s 4 S tier builds. And dont even get me started with the follower theme because that should have been in the game since day 1. Equipping my follower with all the junk taking up space in my stash shouldnt be a “seasonal theme”. I still cant believe they took away the 4th cube slot, what a terrible decision and it makes me think they have some idea that build variety is “just fine” when all they do is power creep sets/items each season. At this point i think blizzard is just out of ideas and its a shame because when they do introduce a seasonal theme that makes sense, the game is actually fun again.

Yes you are 100% wrong as it has been explained to you repeatedly.

You don’t want to listen and thats fine, but you need to be called out on it because other new players could be misinformed by your posts.

No one needs to do GR 115 to level gems to 100. Thats utter nonsense.


Yeah seems this season really died out quickly after 2 weeks. Then in my clan and the communite channels ppl only asking for rats speed runs, or wiz speed runs. Dont see anyone asking for 4man meta push runs any more in the clan or the communite channels.

I like the follower update but yeah dont give that much and most ppl lost alot of power from the 4th cube slot loss. So i think alot is just waiting for next season as this season is also a season in middle of exams, summer time, etc etc.

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I was bored of this game since last october.
This is an ONLINE, Multiplayer game, but the ones playing are BOTS!

You’re an obvious troll. You don’t even play this game. Your bait was decent, so some people took it. Go away to the forums of a game you’re playing. And don’t tell us, we’re not interested.

You’re a misinformed player. Because the 4th cube slot is the power creep. And actually benefits one of the classes too much. Puts it way above any other classes, this is why, it has no place in the game. Removing it after the season ended was the only correct decision.

On topic: The season is just fine. If people are actually playing Diablo, they’re playing S23. If a player didn’t ever bother to reach endgame, they don’t bother in S23 either. Simple as that.

That is not my complaint. My complaint is that I got bored. That is it.

But to your point: Maybe your definition of endgame is different than mine? I have never complained that I finish the season journey in a week or so. That is not the end game for me. My end game is to break my personal record for solo GR, which last season was 127. But this season, I am just not that interested in putting in the time to level up gems and paragon. Maybe I just need a break from the game. Maybe the season did not provide enough difference than non-season? It is possible that the developers screwed the pooch on that one. No one is perfect.

I skipped it altogether this season and have been having a blast in NS playing my overpowered builds, trying new builds and perfecting my builds. The fact that this season didn’t have a theme made the decision easy. I do anticipate future seasons possibly having certain new items emanate that don’t in NS, which could be cool. We’ll see!