I get it now, GoD makes sense

As the topic said, I finally understands the Gears of Dreadlands is and it totally makes sense now.

It all starts with the aesthetic of the set. Unlike the other DH sets which is of a darker theme, GoD is bright, metallic and have a steampunk mechanical feel. It feels like something from the industrial revolution era, unlike the rest of DIablo 3 which feels very medieval.

When talking about the industrial revolution era, it reminds me of a toy and the toy is the wing-up clockwork toy. With that, GoD works exactly like a wind-up clockwork toy.

For the toy to work, first you need to wind up the mainspring to store up energy just like how the 2pc bonus works, building stack while firing primary skill.
When toy starts to move, the mainspring will lose its energy just like how the 4pc bonus work, strafing and firing off attacks while losing stacks.
Just like mechanism of the old, the mainspring isn’t very powerful just like the 6pc bonus.
Finally, like many contraptions of that era, there are many flaws in it design and material strength hence the set doesn’t really function very well overall.

It totally makes sense now.

With that, does wind-up toys appeal to the masses?
Probably not but it will appeal to some people and there are quite a number of people who still love this kind of antique toys and plays with them.
It will also appeal to another group of people, the collectors, who would get a hold of these toys and store them away or put them on display.

To be honest, I was quite upset at first about this set but now I kind of like it after i finally understands it.
Good job blizzard, you do you. keep up the good work.


I think you are overthinking this.
If the slightest chance of this being what they were thinking about, does not change the fact of the clunkiness of how it’s played and how similar it is to already existing builds.

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That’s the way I undersand it as well. It is discussible whether this kind of mechanic fits well into the D3 universe, but we do see a lot of other gears, wheels, winches and other mechanical stuff in sanctuario - so why not something like that as well?

I think this is the intended fantasy behind this set, and it’s a nice idea, imho.


I honestly didn’t think of it like this. Really cool observation!

I think it would be nice if blizzard would provide us with info like this when designing sets/items etc and spell out a clear intent.

Yeah, interesting idea but failed implementation. If they wanted it like that, it should be something like the stacks of momentum are charges and once you strafe all the charges are released at once in a huge barrage of projectiles (like PoJ Monk with Tempest Rush when they stop channeling).

At the moment, it’s too clunky to keep momentum. It should either be stacks that don’t go away or go away all at once with a huge burst of damage (a lot more than currently).

Now I can’t stop picturing the wind up toy monkey clapping cymbals. sigh


First, in all caps, your title appears to be a religious epiphany. Which from reading your post, it sounds like you experienced a conversion, so although most likely unintentional, you have written a bit of poetic scripture that warms the heart.

Second, I’m totally with you. I never wanted a spin-to-win set. I think Gears of Dreadlands has some issues, but the play style has grown on me.

  1. Stand back and let loose the (arrows) of war.
  2. Reposition with a wound up, divinely powered strafe.
    (1) Is not bad, though visually HA leaves a lot to be desired.
    (2) Is quite fun and makes you feel quite safe and powerful.

Last, if I could have the devs’ ear and ask for some improvements, I wouldn’t want them to change the play style. I would ask for a bit more damage, double current duration of momentum, and add something (pretty much anything) to the 6 pc bonus besides a boring damage increase.

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Favorite set by far for new season it took a while to develop the play style but now its ez pz . I much prefer it over the same old multishot ue build which can still be used for group t16 . A little more power would be nice and some of the hunter primarys could use a power increase but if not it still has some viable builds .

Viable meaning t16, sure.

doing 90s under 4mins too easy, 100s under 10 mins like i said its weak but it can be used for leveling gems and building up paragons and also as zhunter in groups its just not a solo rift pusher.

And Dh got no other set going for it. So would have been nice it was changed AND buffed. Dh still not welcome in anything but running solos or doing the 350 kill mission. Which is a shame. Majority hoped for another playstyle and some “op”'ness

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Or you can just call it for what it is…pointless clunky trash.

I want to play the pre-PTR postponement version…:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

UE will be your group set and t16 to start. This set will start popping up more at higher paragon levels for speed runs

New set as is Trash killer Zdps it lacks any big punch for anything else since it’s a base dmg design and ww rend does it better so only advantage is cc with it so yeah I feel your pain not being what u wanted.