After 10 years (and a break for about a year), I finally uninstalled D3 for good.
I am sick to death of my fun being at the mercy of the whims of an utterly clueless 1-2 people who clearly don’t play the game they keep ruining. Being forced to change builds & classes just because they ruined yet another one I was enjoying is NOT fun.
The only thing that will make me reinstall D3 at any stage is the implementation of offline mode + modding tools. There’s plenty of talented people out there who can do wonders for the game on their own. If MedianXL was any indication of what can be accomplished with an ancient 20yo game, just imagine what they can do with D3.
This way none of us will have to deal with those idiotic “devs” ever again. No more having 100% of your feedback ignored, no more radio silence that made the playerbase bitter and toxic towards anything Blizzard, a trend that seems to continue in Immortal - an even bigger colossal trainwreck by trainwreck standards.
I might reinstall D2R and give Laz’s new mod a shot but that one is still far away. Maybe not as far as D4 release, but still too far away. Give it a look if you want.
Here’s also an excellent Immortal review.
Immoral uninstall, burn, melt, deep fry, run a magnet over it or mack truck = Yes
D3 uninstall = Crazy
Seriously, it is a great game. 10 years later and free of charge we get new seasons, tweaks, abilities, items, map changes and something to look forward to each season. D3 is not an MMO and thank god for that. I am having more fun on the lagged out test server then I ever had in immoral. Good luck.
This is not an airport. No need to announce your departure.
You should uninstall the forums next.
D3 will really benefit from an SSF mode and leaderboard, like PoE; where your success and failure are both on you and you alone.
There’s plenty of people who top set leaderboards who don’t group farm. So maybe going for set leaderboards rather than the big one is your best bet for a SSF experience
Oh don’t worry, even then they would find someone else to blame. lol
I really hope D4 devs don’t listen to this and make sure they balance and NERF classes when needed.
My post is not here to agitate the OP. Only to show that not everyone feels classes shoulnd’t be balanced and nerfed.
This is what alts are for homie.
No endless progression in D4 should allow for actually being able to switch classes without working on one thing the whole time and being really upset if it gets nerfed.
D4 should be about finite progression alts and lots of builds. Not keeping certain builds meta and having to inflate numbers ridiculously to compensate.
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Who cares about what you do?
Start the clock until the “I’m back!” thread.
Too bad I can’t embed…
Everyone is so cynical. It is so easy to troll these days when someone makes a statement.
WittyGem, had made a nearly 10 year commitment to this game. I think most marriages don’t last that long. I am sure after many hours of play it is sad and a bit hard to take that step.
Thank you for sharing. As I have done, I have played and stopped and picked up this addictive game and found new enjoyment as I play.
Hope you do the same.
Good luck to you!
This ^^ It amazes me people feel the need to post paragraphs on a message board of a game they do not play. Just leave already. When I take ‘breaks’ I do just that, don’t log into the game for a while. I don’t go to the message boards and cry that I’m bored with the game…again.
Start the clock until he’s back whining about something about D3.
Just insecure manchildren that cannot accept that others enjoy something they no longer do. They jave this dri e to constantly point out how bad the thing is or how bad others are to validate themselves.
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Its not that deep. You can just stop playing a game without telling anyone. You don’t need to. It’s a game.
You know they have been doing that for almost 10 yrs. I had a great DH before ROS came out. Well that build was gone after that. You have to learn to move on. This a Video Game not Life and Death!!!
What you say may be true for you and others, but I guess not for the OP. For sure some here play this game more hours a day than they would spend at a job or with their family.
We have no idea how others feel. It may be one of very few things in their life giving them joy. Telling someone how they feel about something should not matter seems wrong to me.
Just a point of view. Yes there are more fish in the sea. But at that moment, it does not feel that way and they have brought to the community that plays the game and maybe should be a tiny bit more supportive. Saying, sorry you are leaving, “Can I have your stuff?” is a knee jerk response, but is that how you (any of you) want to be treated?
Just my two cents.