I don't care for the ancient legendary

At this point, I think you’re either actively misquoting what I’m saying, or really high on something lol.

That’s not how logic works lol. “Underage sex” is a construct we made up, mostly to have clear legal grounds to snuff out subhuman child predators. 2 teenagers who love each other and know how to be responsible have every right to do whatever they want. That shouldn’t have repercussions in the first place. It’s why Romeo and Juliet laws exist in some jurisdictions. What the girl experienced is akin to punishment for going to the store and buying things normally. What you are arguing against is punishment for robbing the store at gunpoint.

I’m not arguing against punishment. I’m arguing against unnecessary cruel punishment. I agree the boy deserves to go to jail but you keep moving the goal posts.

You actually said in not so many words that the world is doomed because kids that are criminals will always be criminals and never ever change except by experiencing cruelty in turn.

I’ve showed you that kids are kids and can be cruel. Now I could go into all the studies that show the human brain isn’t fully developed until at least age 25. High School ends at age 17 or 18 and so a person can’t be defined until at least age 25. But you argue that because these kids are cruel in adolescence that by the time their brain is fully developed, they’ll continue being cruel.

Anyway, I can only suggest you seek therapy.


I mean, you bring up this “terrible horrible school system you teach in” and that all the students are bad and there’s no hope for humanity. Then say, “No what I meant is there is this good girl, but these other kids are bad and because of these bad kids the world is doomed.”

But the existence of this good girl flies in the face of “the whole world is doomed”. If there are good kids and bad kids in school, then the world can’t be doomed.

Edit #2:

Since you like telling stories about how bad kids are.

Try this one for size.

As I told you, I was bullied back in school. In one instance, I was sitting in class and this one kid was talking stuff about me and my mom. Dutifully, I just sat there and ignored it until suddenly this kid decides he’s just going to hall off and deck me in the middle of class.

The teacher saw it. He also saw the other kids in the class grab me and hold me back from defending myself. Everyone eventually sat down but no cops or anything were called. No punishment for me or him for fighting in class or anything. The teacher just ignored it like nothing had happened.

Later in that same year, another student punched that teacher in the jaw. Suddenly, that mattered, and the kid wound up getting arrested for assault.

Earlier in my school years, I was sitting in class one day, and these three boys were messing with me. So, I got up and those three boys got up and I walked around my aisle into there’s. I grabbed the first kid, pushed him into the second and both of them into the third and pushed all three against the wall and screamed, “Leave me the F alone.”

I then let them go, went back to my desk and sat down and cried like a baby, and again, no one said nothing. The teacher just let it happen. No one went to the principal’s office or anything like that.

So, if you’re going to argue that the “world is doomed because bad kids do bad things” then I can argue that bad kids do bad things because bad teachers won’t do anything about it until law enforcement gets involved.

Edit #3:

And another thing. Regarding this incident you keep bringing up, I can almost guarantee that it wasn’t teachers that called the cops about this boy but the parents. I’m also willing to bet that the teachers knew full well what was going on with the video sharing and were willing to look the other way. But when the parents found out all the teachers including yourself suddenly got all insecure in your teaching methods and decided to say, “We just didn’t know…”

Yeah, sure. I bet this girl sat through weeks of torment before she finally told her parents because I can bet the “teachers” didn’t give one whit until they saw that some heat from the public might come their way.

Edit #4: Fix’d some grammatical errors because I was a bit upset when I typed this and realized I wrote several run-on sentences.

Better truth is a pain for believers.
Like the better truth of my topic.
Because you can have fun without being the best.

You’re not gonna win arguing against me.
Because I’m a godlike debater.

If something isn’t cruel, it isn’t a punishment. Punishments are meant to hurt. Punishments are meant to be things you don’t recover from. Otherwise, it’s just a convenience fee before you get to do whatever you want.

I’ve said 2 or 3 times now that there is a line between people getting into fights on pure anger, and people who commit premeditated crimes. There is a line you can’t cross no matter what age you are, and not everything can be classified under “kids will be kids.” If you STILL can’t understand that, then I won’t explain again.

Interesting that you are still misquoting me lol. Again, you are either very low on comprehension, or twisting my words on purpose. What I said is this:

That means she did nothing wrong in this instance. It’s a 50/50 whether she’s refrained from other bad actions, and whether or not she is “good” overall(meaning no true bad actions ever) is pure random chance. We’ll never know, because she was not in any of my classes. She is one of the names I was given to me by another teacher when I was asking all around. In my class, you are out the door and getting suspended by the dean the moment you make a racial/sexual comment, much less put hands on each other, or plan out elaborate "pranks.“ However, because she did nothing wrong on this once instance, she doesn’t deserved to be punished for this one action. Remember, horrible people can still walk into a store and buy things normally lol, you’re supposed to connect pain to their bad behaviors, not randomly fold them when they’re just sitting there doing nothing with 0 explanation.

And for this, you’re probably right lol. I have no idea, because I didn’t really care to find out. It’s like one of the others have said–I have no power. Even I know that this is a teacher who doesn’t protect her students, I can’t take everything from them and make them beg for death, the way they deserve. It will just be one more thing that stays on my mind for the rest of my life, one more bad person(or, rather, “person did a very bad thing,” since you have trouble understanding the shorthand of “bad person”) who I didn’t get to destroy. So, why bother?

However, trolling is not a crime.
And this topic is not a troll.
This topic is about the truth.

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I just went back to find the post so I could quote it but apparently you deleted just like the one where you said, “the only thing wrong with fascism is that it’s only been implemented wrong.” or something to that effect.

So, excuse me if I’m not buying this, “poor put upon teacher” routine you’re going with.


You know, if you’re going to keep saying “It’s okay to be cruel because they were cruel first,” at least don’t go back and delete the comments where you claim to work at this school full of criminals and the world is doomed because of it.

But then, now I wouldn’t put it past you to say, “I didn’t delete anything. Quit putting words in my mouth.”

If you say something stupid at least keep it up there and be proud.

It is however against the Code of Conduct of the forums and can lead to a punishment.

Your truth is not an universal truth. It is a truth only for you.

You can have fun without being perfect is a truth for the game.

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Some sadly still believe that if they do not agree with something, it’s a troll.

I don’t know what he said but on the related note, what’s even funnier is when you watch someone edit their comments live and then reply “wtf are you talking about?” There is a grace period before a comment shows it’s been edited.

And still on the related note, no clue what he said because I don’t care to read everything here but gaslighting IS the new cool.

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This is why I always or nearly always note where I edit a post. And sometimes the numbers wind up wrong because I might edit a post before grace period expires and then edit again after so a post might say I made two edits but the little edit thing will say only one will be made.

Who think this topic is a troll maybe under educated.

I do that exact thing on other forums, occasionally on here.

I get it, we all make mistakes. Nothing wrong with admitting you made one. People will respect you a lot more for doing so. But when you (steal a term from you) try to gaslight people on what you’ve said, you’re just one of “those guys”. Half of the people on my block list are people who are like that. Once, you’ll get called on it. After that, it’s a complete waste of time talking to you.

Words can do a lot of damage, despite what some say. People who try to say otherwise are usually people who are prone to insulting others and love to toss around the “grow thicker skin” crap.

People can be very much persuaded by words. Take streamers for example. There are so many suckers out there who take anything they say as gospel because they had a way with words to that person. Some of them have used words to get others to harass others, leading to anything from being hacked, assaulted, etc. So despite the word(s) itself not doing the damage, they directly or indirectly lead to some of the worst harm imaginable.

That very well could be. And that’s not said as a slam. Back in the early 2000s when it was “common sense” that disagreeing was in fact trolling, it took a lot of convincing to get people to understand that it isn’t. I’ve seen the term butchered on this forum and others so much. It’s been used to describe someone or something that a person disagrees with, dislikes, didn’t pan out how they wanted, didn’t pan out in a time frame someone was happy with, or just to try and put someone down for no reason.

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You are correct about how the grace period and pencil icon work.

On this forum, the grace period is 5 minutes from when the original post was made, irrespective of whether the post is liked during that 5 minute period.

P.S. I made a quick edit and there is no pencil icon on this post.

P.S.S. This post just got liked. Let’s see if the pencil icon shows up with this edit.

Newest edit no pencil icon. Edited my post to reflect this fact.

Edit #4 overall where the first 3 were within 5 minute grace period: This post is now ~7 minutes old. If I am correct about the 5 minute grace period. It should now have a pencil icon with the number “1” with a timestamp.

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…there are the “up” and “down” arrows within each quote. The “up” arrow takes you straight to the message that is being quoted. Use that to find my post lol. Here, let me help you again.

Now this, though:

There is no “poor put upon teacher” here or anywhere else in the world. Every single person is equally a victim of the plague that is being human. Here, let me link you to something else I already said. You can hit the “up” button and see this one too.

To be human is to be selfish and weak-minded, that’s the ultimate conclusion here. Adults are simply more wary of consequence, that’s all there is to it. That’s why we need harsher and more physical punishments, so people of all ages and education levels can understand that “do bad things” = pain.

And, fun fact, this second old post of mine that I linked is the edited version of my input on Fascism, the one I replaced my deleted post with because you gave me a 2nd post to respond to, right after I sent out my initial response. In case you didn’t get it, let me reword it for you: Fascism is always tied to racism and ultra-nationalism, because that’s the only way to get the garbage that is humanity to accept strict regulations. By letting them ruthlessly beat down on a few marginalized groups WHLE getting stricter. You buy their loyalty by appealing to their innate hatred and evil. Which, once again, proves that us humans are all garbage.

Edit: And if you are having trouble finding things that I haven’t quoted for you in this comment, use control-F to search some key words.

I’m going to reply to you once just for everyone else in the post to see.

This game is literally nothing but “again and again.” Saying “I’m my own boss” when you can simply make your own life much better by playing a different game that IS what you want? That is the height of foolishness. Rebellion just for the sake of it. It’s the equivalent of disliking someone in your daily life, and then choosing to hover around them to harass, instead of simply distancing yourself. There is no truth to your statement, and you are simply barking for attention.

You know what’s funny. When you deleted the post I’m referring to, I was in process of replying to you and noted it in my post.

Hmmm, looks like you might have archived it and brought it back to “quote” it, doesn’t it.

I’m guessing you didn’t read this part of what I JUST wrote? Especially based on how quickly you pump out your responses?

There was also this one from right after I deleted the initial post about Fascism.

For a 3rd time, the initial post about Fascism was deleted to give you another response that covers the content of your two posts. Any other post is still up. Use control-F to find keywords, or command-F on Apple stuff. And if you’re really struggling to find something on this rudimentary forum(wouldn’t be surprised based your track record lol) summarize what it is you think I said. I will go back and find it for you.

Hmmm, I just opened your quote block and this part is highlighted in blue. I wonder what that might mean.

It means this OTHER thing I JUST said. What are you on about lol

I can “have fun” in the game “without being perfect”.
Do you get this or not? It means I can “make my own fun”.
And “I didn’t say” I dislike the game once.

I don’t have to do it again and again “to be perfect”.