If you think your slender 0% body fat, toned muscles look is stronger than Eddie Hall, prove it: deadlift over 500kg.
Fair warning though, Eddie could’ve died when he did his world record deadlift.
On the left, Eddie when he trained for strongman.
On the right, Eddie when he trained for boxing.
He’s still strong, he’s just no longer fat.
Me: “I want to play a fat druid”
Sephrax: “GO DEADLIFT 500 KG!”
Me: “???”
It’s simple, the druid is fat because he can grow unlimited food! And firewood!
Whereas the Barbarian and Sorceress have to work harder to get a good balanced meal! At the very least they need to forage a bit for spices and potatoes! (I guess there is no problem getting meat for all classes though…)
This. The skill tree and slower gameplay are already feeling kinda boring to me, and I can’t even play the class that sounded the most interesting because I can’t enjoy an obese character’s aesthetic.
And not just fat but flabby at that. How the heck did someone who traverses forests on foot end up looking like they have been abusively traversing the well trodden path between their couch and their refrigerator!?
i am actually very glad there is a carracter in game who’s body is not so perfect streamlin’d.
Why is this argument so overused, strongman are just fat dudes that lift abuse steroids and die of heart attacks at 45. It doesn’t change how ridiculous druids look, specially the female.
because how else will fat people feel like anyone loves them?
that picture on the left (while stilll fat) is not as fat as the druids we are being forced to play as.
I believe that, in future expansions, seasons, etc., variability should simply be added. People should be able to actually choose what to play - stocky, flabby, skinny, muscular, curvy, and so on. As things stand, druids all have to look chunky and flabby, all female necros are forbidden from actually having female breasts, all rogues have to be the same height. I believe I saw a post that just wanted a male barbarian face with a mustache but no beard. Evidently, right now, even that is not available.
Hopefully, in the future those cosmetics will become accessible.
Druids have some of the coolest looking armor.
The only way you’re seeing their chunk is if you’re running around transmogged naked, which you should only be doing on a barbarian anyway, because a barbarian doesn’t need armor. The armor needs the barbarian
body positive
is ok to have obesity
is not diablo who gonna kill the druid but just an heart attack
In terms of fantasy, it is understandable that the human form of someone who could transform into a werebear being large; however, that body type is not really consistent with the human body type of werewolves.
And I hope people continue to post about it until they give us options for body types. I definitely don’t want to play a fat druid.
Really stupid response. Player agency means choices. Making someone play a fat character because they like the play style of the druid is not player agency.
Thin druid will be available in store for $30.
Fact, art is a reflection of the artist. D4 is art.
I wish they would take down that “Into the Endgame” picture of the fat druid on the homepage. It offends me.
Don’t feed the trolls, just ignore them.
At this point, I would not be surprised what-so-ever if that actually happened. It’s to the point now where it wouldn’t surprise me if we started seeing “Is your version of the game full of bugs, have code that is out-of-date? Purchase our bug fix patch today!”