I bought Diablo 3, but it disappeared from my download list

I bought Diablo 3 a few years ago, and have not touched it for years after I finished. I saw the new year sales so I thought I wanted to buy those two expansions, only to find that the game completely disapeared from my purchased games, and there is no record at all on Blizzard’s side. I can find credit card records at my bank, but it’s probably recorded as Apple purchases and doesn’t have details (I made quite a few purchases over the years, and I forgot which is Diablo 3; Apple also DID NOT record the purchases…wow… only my bank’s credit card records did).

This is quite a frustrating start for 2023 on Blizzard games; I do not know how to handle this situation, some help? Thanks. Even if I resolved this situation, the sales are gone by then? LOL! But I still insist on getting back what I purchased.

This game was never sold on Apple’s site. It was always a Battlenet exclusive.

If you are sure you bought this game, then most likely you bought it on a different account.

Okay, I think I paid with my i-phone (sorry for the erroneous description). But I checked my other account, the game is still gone. And I think I did not buy on that account… I specifically created this one for paid games. Although it’s already 2023 and Diablo 3 isn’t that much of a deal, this still sucks… LOL!

I contacted customer support, they say they’ll give me back my game if I provide the invoice. But my bank doesn’t open util 1/4 (sale’s over 1/2). Still I think Blizzard should have records of my purchases (my Apple ID uses the same e-mail as this Blizzard account); I contacted customer support to check it for me; have to wait for their reply.