İts about diablo immortal

Hi i cant find a forum about “Diablo İmmortal” so i wrote it to here :smiley: im using a redmi note 9 but i cant play because some problems. When can i install diablo immortal in play store?
11 days passed from diablo immortal coming to play store but i still cant download it to my xiaomi phone. And im sorry for my bad english :frowning: i hope you guys understood me.


Here is a list of the Diablo Immortal forums:

For technical support (installation, launch, connection issues), 2 forums are available:

Report bugs and gameplay issues here:

There are no discussion forum ; for questions, comments, and/or feedback on Diablo Immortal, please use Reddit at:

Some phones and tablets have issues with the game… including the Xiaomi devices; this is a known issue. Blizzard maintains a list of fixes that have been released here:


Finally, there are some countries where the game is not available or has not yet been released; see details here:

Best of luck with this issue !


Edit : You may want to check the Diablo Immortal system requirements here:

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