Hydra has been gutted

Hmph, maybe now after testing i was half wrong… So i tested on live servers (with augment gems 115 and 120), i made easily GR 100 2m 22s left and was really bad boss, Rime who isnt good at all for hydras because constantly moving/teleporting. It means that now 102-103 is possible to do “easily”, my paragon is now ~2500 and with buffs 16*damage multiplier and more trapped gem procs (because of new helm gives also mammoth that frost nova, also control) i think 122-125 is possible to do with some rift picking, so maybe their goal “5000 paragon=GR ~130” is about right… Still i think 375% damage increase per item is maybe better for more constant progress.

Edit: Of course i mean LoD hydras here…
Edit 2: I didn’t use squirt’s necklace here. EU server if someone want to check profile/gear, items are like BiS so i get 2,5 hydra attacks per sec.

Thanks for the math.

So I know which class I should roll for S20.

Necromancer, here i come.

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Good call, since hardly anybody will be playing wizard next season.

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Here’s hoping they fix the Hydra set (and LOD set) before Season 20 starts, though I strongly doubt it.

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Thank you for the reference. That’s even worse than I expected, because that value is with LoD utilizing the seasonal Archives bonus.

Hydra multiplier is still split among two items (one having cc mixed with multiplier). We gear with both, meaning we can’t really take advantage of the archives bonus with TV. The seasonal build is the same as non-seasonal.

That’s another point that makes me sad about pushing Typhon’s next season.

EDIT: despite all the negative feedback I always enjoy starting a new season, I’m still looking forward to S20 and the unique builds made possible by the archives bonus. :smile:


Live…are you crazy? It isnt a GR80 build on live!

Why would I blow most of my hard earned and saved materials for a 110GR build? This is such an immeasurably silly response. Did you play the PTR?

I reread your comment, and realized you have poor reading comprehension. I didnt say I spent those mats now. I was clearly talking about doing so in 2.6.8…

Lol, if you seriously think it’s only a GRift 80 build on live currently you are sorely mistaken. LoD Hydra is going to be a GRift 140+ build after the update

I did play the PTR and it was easy to hit GRift 110 with basic gear. No augments, no reforging, nothing.

Did you factor in the new nerf?
Did you play with the arcane torrent double dip?
Do you believe some augments will give you 30 more GR levels?

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Yes I did, LoD Hydra cleared a 142 in PTR before the latest nerf and after the torrent bug fix.

You obviously didn’t read my post. The GRift 110 was without reforging anything on my gear. The stats were horrible, I had 0 augments. I think 3 or 4 of the pieces were ancient for the LoD bonus. I had like 700 paragon. I had around 8k main stat. My legendary gems were only level 25 except LoD gem was 60

Overall, I was missing so much damage and I was able to easily clear a 110.

He will be wrong and we will remind him in 3 weeks.

Wont make us feel any better.

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As i said before, that build is still surely GR 130+ with that 5k paragon which is their design lines.

We also need to remember that PTR players are really low population vs total player base, maybe even 5% is too high… So i think we will see some good clears on live servers.

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I dont get why mantle of channeling was touched… why not only sigil and death wish? Just messed up other builds doing mantle…


Which other builds has affected? Example WW doesnt use that…

Not all heroes wear capes. :+1:

Let’s wait how the 5k paragon players will perform and hope that the shield bug T4 DR not applied is fixed for live. If they plan to revisit this set in the future or add another Hydra item it’s probably fine. Gen + AD + Blizzard + Hydra great. I’m allready ready for season 22 with alot of item balance changes.

That’s 5k paragon for the average player. I don’t see the average player topping leaderboards, or fishing hundreds of keys, so having the top LB clears higher than 130 at a lower than 5k paragon (say, as low as 2kp) makes more sense for a balanced build, given this metric.

Given that on average, a player clears 130 at 5kp with less keys, I might not expect GR140 clears from an expert player on the same build, but that player in season at 5kp would very likely clear GR135, maybe even higher with extreme fishing.

I think the large hue and cry from (myself included) is because we fear that the changes proposed will result in LoD Hydra and TV being placed below this level of clear potential in solo push.

On top of that, the difference in multiplier between TV and LoD is not enough. TV won’t stand a chance against mammoth Hydra at only 5.06 GRs difference, even when you factor in non-seasonal for both builds.

Note: edited the above GR value to reflect correct difference. 1.65 GRs is the delta increase from the +300% per head changes, I placed the wrong value initially/

Granted, I’ve quite enjoyed LoD Hydra with the S20 archives bonus. I want both builds well balanced, and I realize that can be hard to achieve, but the multiplier difference is an obvious one that needs adjusting.

I would think upping Serpent Sparker back up to 500-600%, and upping the 6 piece multiplier on TV to 1650% /head is an obvious solution. I think that cements both LoN and TV viability now and going forward? I don’t think LoN Hydra needed to be nerfed so much as a matter of TV needing to be equally competitive.

Bad, bad changes all around. Really disappointing effort by Blizzard.

The GR 142 clear is relevant but it is not the only thing. Personally, I think they reduced the power of hydra builds too much. I have even stated as much.

That is not the primary metric that I use to think about balance. The top clears give a sense about how high a particular build can be pushed by very skilled players who have high paragon with excellent gear and super high legendary gem levels.

I use multiple metrics:

  1. A cross-section of the leaderboard
  2. GR efficiency of each class
  3. Paragon levels of each class at specific GRs (e.g. Gr 120 & 125)

To give you a sense of things that I think about, check this thread.

You will notice that top clears are mentioned very little.

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You absolutely, 100% did not. I believe you said they were too overpowered, but this was admittedly before the final notes were released. I remember, because I took issue with that statement.

You are correct. I thought Blizzard might be concerned but my thought was a “smidgen” of a nerf where smidgen is 1-2 GRs, not what they did.

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