Hydra bosskiller in ptr LBs?!

Jo, PTR leaderboards 4p with a 150 clear in 13:10 minutes has a A6I2 trashkiller and some wizard that uses lightning hydra. Either Crusader is OP enough and they are just trolling with the wizard build or it really is the RGK in this setup.

Can anyone confirm :D? I like lightning hydra alot

Crusader is insane. Insane. Clearing 150s with average gear.

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And already people are calling for nerfs to the changes to crusader items - will there be no new builds worth playing? :disappointed:

Such is the way of things.

It is a Public Test Realm. Therefore, one should expect that numbers will change up/down as a result of testing.

That is expected, true. But someone said that the A6I2 was similar to AoV’s first iteration. If that be the case, then like that instance and WD Mundunugu, allow the build a season of glory, then nerf it.

The first iteration of AoV crusader was nerfed within a couple weeks of its release in patch 2.6.7a and nerfed again in 2.6.8 and again in 2.6.9.

To put this in perspective, a PTR crusader in non-season < 6k paragon within 24 hours cleared a GR 150 on the PTR. Three classes have never had a player in the entire world solo clear GR 150 at any time during the history of the game in non-seasons (monks, wizards, and barbs).

Wasn’t the highest solo for WD Mundunugu in the 140s? They can adjust the crusader build to be about that for a season.

In non-season, the top worldwide Mun WD cleared GR 150 in era 13/patch 2.6.8 in non-season. They were nerfed in patch 2.6.9.

Exactly - an encore for another class or two would be welcome. :smile:

or they could just get the number right from the start so no nerf is warranted.

And then theres hydra, nerfed from a perfectly balanced GR 145 to unviability, where it stands to this day.

I still do not understand the rationale for nerfing chantodo in patch 2.6.7 given the strength of the AoV crusaders and ww/rend barb builds in that patch.

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tbh, I don’t think there was any. Seems to be the case with Wizard design. I’m kind of annoyed they couldn’t even bother to buff Holy Point Shot to 250% or whatever so DHs could be RGKs again. Such a simple change.

I have such passion for this game, it’s shameful how badly balanced it is. I’d balance Wizards for free…if I could code.

nvm. Theres now a video of rob showcasing this on yt.

Its real. Not as strong as AoV crusader but probably good with a 4th cube slot and channeling additionally lul

I’m guessing it’s the stricken damage that goes absolutely wild with this paired with the wizards 50% extra attack speed with FoD’s blades, otherwise wouldn’t make much sense that a 50% set buff suddenly makes it RGK viable when it was so far behind on live.

So if that’s the case channeling with DW with seasons might not be the best thing, could be completely wrong about that though and maybe top meta peeps just didn’t give hydra or wizard in general enough credit before this patch and after bazooka death.

i get the part with stricken.
Fun fact: in the podcast of raxx / wudi / svr etc they mentioned that if the old versions of FoD stay in the game, they stack with the new version :smiley: So even more stricken stacking possible.

But in the end its the raw damage that i dont get. The ones in the leaderboards ive seen tend to still have two 20% cold skill multiplier on bracers and amulets. Is the real damage coming from frostnova? Or are they just too lazy to roll of their soloplay stats for the sake of trying hydra rgk… i dont get it.

Fair warning: I reported this as a bug. This will undoubtedly get fixed for live.

ofcourse. I hope so and im completely with you guys that after a few seasons with such items, nonseason gets out of control and unfixable…

But its worth a mention as this is something funny to do on the ptr :smiley:

First constructing bazooka, and now this. Why do you hate us so, sir? :slight_smile: