How's season 34 going?

right now i’m having so much fun in d4 and i dont have time for d3 but s34 looks amazing, how is it going?

It came and went for me. I finished the journey, finished the Altar and now I’m just grinding between D4 and D3. Both games are getting a bit boring for me. In D4, once you level a Blood Necro, all the other builds are inferior, so I lost interest in the other classes. In D3, I rolled a DH and a Wizzard, both good, but you know, grind, grind, grind, the outcome is very predictable, there’s nothing new. At least the theme in D3 is a good one.

Edit: just rolled a Monk. Having fun splitting time between my Implale DH and LoD Monk.

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Pretty slow. so far. I’m undecided between Witch Doctor builds. I have been more focused on how the potential builds would play instead of finishing tasks.

Sounds sus to me… lol who actually enjoys that game anymore.

I have been enjoying it pretty well. I pushed to a GR130 by day 3 and have been reducing my play time a bit since then. I logged off my SSF HC and went to try group softcore for a bit, just to pass all my clan members progression who started group softcore for the lulz :slight_smile: lol

At some point I intend on playing other classes a bit and enjoying that aspect of the game… but anime and weed has been getting more attractive to me lately so I might just chill on that instead until I have to return to work on Thursday lol


people who don’t care about what others do/say and most of all people who don’t play the super overpower class (necro this season, spiritborn last season)

Not very fun since casuals and newbies zbarbs in public games can’t even copy proper zbarb build, the one from leaderboards w ingeom and HP globes spawning threatening shout…
Zdhs often cant even press multishot once for strafe power…
i kind of have to solo everything because its faster than most teams … and i dislike soloing…
I thought this is going to be very fun season with WD meta but its not WD meta…, at least i got to play crusader, my second fav class for now.

But Its not going to be fun in public teams untill all casuals quit playing

I do enjoy co-op very much, just not with casuals, but this game is so dead nobody is even using in game chat to make a team,
and the players who do look for teams usually cant play this game, or else they would have their friend list full already many times over

because casuals are reporting “tryhards” for politely asking them to “please leave we need a support” or something

or when in a meta team already, newbies are reporting tryhards for giving free advice how to play better

now for 2 years i have not seen a single chat text, and only one or two community chat LFG announcements

not even “skip jugg” in teams, or “pls boost” in general chat, literally no chat at all, thats how bad casuals made this community

all the time harassing THE actual players

dont be childish people… and stop harrassing players for free items alright???
Want to play meta? Learn to play already, its not that hard when you actually want to play efficiently… Dont just rage when you have to improve something …

well, god bless ssf mode


I think I’m up to level 6. That was the second day of the season.

But I am closing in on 200 paragon in D4, have already nuked the pass, and the newly launched new year event that dropped yesterday. Only have a few things left to do for the season journey there as well…

I figure, once I get things as completed as I want, I will hop back over to D3 later. lol

I’m enjoying S34 so far. Just finished unlocking the altar tonight.

Barb isn’t the strongest class this season (or most seasons) but I’m enjoying running fissures with WW. The push to GR110 with Savages to get enough shards to unlock the altar was also fun.

Currently focusing on fissures to build up mats and keys, and also hunt down the items for LoD HOTA. Might also make a zbarb in case any clan members want to group up for GRs.

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Summary of this season:

Monk is the new wizard.

This is one of the most beloved seasons. I am playing SSF this time. Having a blast :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Dont know, after the update the game wont run anymore and Blizzard wont help solve the problem so…

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I began my season yesterday, will start with a hellcat M6 DH, then I might try Helltooth garg WD later.

I am enjoying Season 34. I’m currently playing a Demon Hunter with the Unhallowed Essence set and enjoying the fact I can “Spin-to-Win”; using Multishot and Strafe is incredibly amazing and fun.

season is going pretty bad as the game is no longer supported on my platform, which has also discouraged some of my friends from playing.

This season is great, the return of Gargantuan WD. I didn’t think I would be playing this build again, my fav WD build. I’m currently at GR 145 with 1400+ paragon.

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i got a question, is wol monk the best char for high grs this season?

Most likely WoL monk is the strongest (it is at this stage of the season).

At even higher paragons Raiment and/or Rathma Necro might beat it though.

Arrgh, I managed to salvage my trifecta primal squirt necklace yesterday. Seasson is over for me. Rollback account didn’t work, I tried several times and nothing happens when I log back in after getting the rollback confirmation email, same paragon and items.

I might start over on Switch later.

D4 sorc has gone to :poop: i did up to pit 42 fine and had day off. Went to play last night and i can barely clear 42’s again as if sorc been nerfed again, just awful.

Anyway i’m making a new char as sorc feels so bad.