How to "easily" balance almost all items

don’t need to read any further. have you ever heard of constructive communication?
what I should do, etc. I know very well and don’t need any ridiculous tips.

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I am stating a basic fact. If GR150s become a push over within the first week by the majority. Where even solo players are able to do them. Where the only positions on the leader boards are GR150 with clear times of 5 minutes or less then that means there is no challenge in the game. Nothing in the game to truly test your build and skill at playing.

Am I missing something here? This just seems like saying “all builds should be able to do 120GR so lets just change the definition of a 120GR”. Its like in my country where the school pass rate was too low and then the requirements were lowered and hey presto see our children pass school now.

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