How to Create Corpses

Is there any other way to create corpses than (1) kill (2) Blood Rush - Molting (3) Command Golem + Moribund Gauntlet (4) Skeletal Mage - Gift of Death?

Land of the Dead.

The staple of all corpse builds.

Though, it doesn’t create corpses, it just gives you unlimited access to corpses for a short while.

Like Unicron says, Land of the Dead is the staple but it all depends on your build and what you need corpses for. For Corpse Lance you need a lot of corpses while a speed Corpse Explosion build can function with quite few.

Care to share what you’re looking to do? :blush:

I would like to add “corpse explosion” skill but I have no more slot - Bone Armor, Grim Scythe, Corpse Lance, Blood Rush, Land of the Dead and Command Golem with Moribund Gauntlet. I need a lot of corpses, and have found the Golem is the only skill satisfy my needs and I would like to add Corpse Explosion by getting rid of Golem. In my last question, a suggestion was to enclose screen shots. How do I do it?

Remove Blood Rush or Corpse Lance.