How to allow ultrawide support

Still, the beta shows the devs‘ rather have black bars than nothing. I am glad to help out, don’t hesitate to ask me again, if you don’t understand something.

My most recent sorc in singleplayer has hit level 92 about 1 month ago. Also I was playing a kicksin for the first time and solo‘ed Ubers for the first time maybe 3 months ago. For me it is very alive. If you in contrast haven’t played the game for years, it is apparent, that you have no clue, how alive this game is.

If you were to install the game and have abloom at Bnet, you would find enough games to have fun.

Btw: after the announcement of D2R, the bnet servers were so full, that you had to queue to make games… D2 is far from being dead.

Yet again, I am glad to explain this to you.

Be sure, that your toxicity annoys me aswell, I just happen to not react overly aggressive.

I did a few months back. I Play hc though and public games where dead do to pks using that tp/hostile hack to kill you in baal runs. So maybe my experience is biased, maybe sc is alive and well since the d2r announcement.

Not with me for some reason. However, you have been toxic to others.

It’s called hype. Yes, people are excited for d2r. Me included. D2 is dead though and has been for 15yrs.

This was what I was originally responding to. And you’re simply wrong. Pvp didn’t keep d2 alive for the last 20 yrs. D2 has been dead for the last 15yrs until the announcement of d2r. Blizzard wants to get back the millions of players who quit years ago, like I said in my original post. They’re not making d2r for the 20 pvpers who still play the game. Maybe we have different definitions of “alive.”

True, but only to those people, whose attitude was “I want UW, I don’t care for others”.

For example, I also don’t want to play mods, but do I join threads and be like “don’t waste time on mod support, I want less bugs for the release”?

Or do I ask for people to give reasons for something and then ignore every single reason and flame on a 20 years old community to be “D2 Andys” or a “less important group of players”? These people’s behavior is gross. If I have been toxic to someone and he/she turned out be be interested in a discussion, I properly apologized for it. But I don’t, if these ignorant idiots keep throwing around with the most egoistic BS I have ever seen in a forum.

I am not toxic to you, because your are only unpolite to me and do not ignore and flame on the wishes of a whole community. And also your “arguments” are kinda dumb tbh…

As if they would be like “yeah we are going to support UW, but for the beta, let’s make a step back” lol. Doesn’t make me rage at all.

That is literally what happened and hence these threads… It was brought up during a q&a and PC gamer and many other sites mentioned it in their articles as a result. However, they most likely meant just sp but left that part out so they didn’t discourage anyone, who may be on the fence, from pre-ordering.

It’s funny you say that since I agreed with almost every compromise you mentioned. I only shat on you when you made outlandish claims such as,

Or, when you defended pvp in this game even though you’ve admitted to being new to it. Also, when you claimed the exploits I mentioned weren’t exploits, such as CT Tele or desync.

Nonetheless, after having some time to think about it, I’ve come to a conclusion that agrees with you on another topic we bickered about. Blizzard should cater to the pvp community (even though I don’t think it’s best for the overall long-term health of the game and it goes against my agenda, uw) because, in the end, they will be the only ones left playing it years from now. They are the most hardcore fans. I still think the diehard pvpers are a small fragment of the community in comparison to the millions of returning players. But, the vast majority of returning players won’t even notice any of these issues such as no uw support or the many exploits I think should be removed. I’m sure blizzard has come to this conclusion as well. However, I still think the crusade against uw is wasted energy in regards to fairness and balance when botting and rmt will be the real issues that affect those. But, maybe that’s a battle the pvpers know they can’t win and this is one they can.

In the end, we all love this game and no one is refunding it because of uw support or black bars like some of the drama queens in these threads claim. I think we can all agree that we’re lucky af our childhood game is being remastered and I’m grateful for that regardless :slight_smile:

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So what I was trying to say is: they tried it out in the alpha. Then they removed it. Hence we can conclude, that they think, Black bars are better, than unrestricted UW.

Yeah I’m a noob in PvP… have barely played it, because people would smack the hell out of my sorc. But still I am sure D2 PvP is the best one in the genre.

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I have a feeling uw is available in singleplayer since the alpha was singleplayer and disabled in multi-player hence not in the beta. I may be wrong.

I played the Russian version of Lost Ark and that is by far the best isometric pvp I’ve experienced. It releases in na sometime in December, but I’ll still be going hard on d2r when it comes out for sure. That’s definitely a game I would recommend trying when/if you ever need a break from d2r.

That I think too, yea.

The game DOES have ultrawide support, but it seems only for the 3440x1440 resolution.
The rest of the ultrawide formats do not work correctly. You have two black bands on the sides.

You realize that video clearly says Alpha on it right? Back when ultrawide worked.

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