How quickly things are forgotten - Solo Greater Rift Summary Per Class

Do you understand English? You’re not addressing anything I said.

Your problem is with solo players needing to participate in the meta to compete in solo leaderboards due to paragon farming.

The problem you are describing is a solo vs group gameplay reward issue.

Your posts have nothing to do with what this thread is about.


And what if your class is not part of meta? I understand that this part is hard for you. Barbs are part of meta since… forever.

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I am just going to repeat my question again.

What Barbarian’s dps builds for solo game play has to do with DH???
Why you wrote this:
“DH is way ahead of Barb and Monk now, and much more powerful”

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What if it’s not? It doesn’t matter. Just play on another class to farm XP.

You said it yourself. Paragon >>> Items

Make a meta character (wiz, nec, barb, rgk dh, zmonk) and go farm paragon.

This issue has nothing to do with what we’re discussing here.

Relative DPS in solo is relevant if the goal is to achieve class parity. The current iteration of monks and barbs do need a buff.


No. Lets make new meta with 4 DH. How about that?

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I am going to repeat question last time…

What Barbarian’s dps builds for solo game play has to do with DH???
Why you wrote this:
“DH is way ahead of Barb and Monk now, and much more powerful”

Lol That’s not even English. What are you trying to say?

If your problem with Diablo 3 is that you need paragon to compete vs other players, then go play an RGK DH and farm XP in groups.

It’s very easy. 140 speeds with DH RGK can yield 3 trillion xp + an hour. It’s insane XP and you can play DH.

If your problem is paragon, go farm paragon and stop posting irrational arguments on Barb threads.

I think you should go play tetris or something like that.

Your only complaint in this thread is that you feel you can’t play a certain class to farm paragon in the meta. But you’re wrong; DH RGK is amazing for XP farming.

So if you feel like you need more paragon go play the meta.

Your posts have nothing to do with the original post

While you can get 5+ trillion xp in 115s? And you think that is fair?

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Problem is your idiotic comment about DHs buffs that has nothing to do with Barbs ability to play solo rifts.

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This is entirely correct.

Also correct.

Still correct.

Still correct?

Yes. Still.

Somehow, still correct.

Excellent, accurate summary of the position of the greater Barb community.

More options for everyone = good.

No, stop. Nobody cares about that. Nobody cares what anybody plays. Your point is bad because it isn’t a point; it’s just a statement of choice, even if your choice has been limited due to the game’s design.

As a DH, you can play in off-meta groups and be an RGK. Barbs wish we had that potential. If you would also like DHs to be capable of support roles, that’s cool, too. Go make a coherent argument for it that doesn’t nerf another class.

Again, because you seem to have missed it:

And a friendly reminder:

This is what Barbs have to do to A) speed-farm efficiently, B) get higher solo gem-ups, and/or C) play anything other than supports.

One last time:

Remember, folks, the Barb community has never asked for the following:

  • Don’t buff other classes!
  • Don’t buff classes that are already included in group play!
  • We want to take multiple spots in the meta!
  • We want to displace current meta classes!

All we have ever asked for are buffs to our class. We have always– always –argued that other classes need buffs in a variety of ways. We stand with other class communities, regardless of inclusion in group play.


Of course, because DH isn’t competing with Rats groups (Barb, ZM, Necro) for the solo DH LB.

If your problem is with rats XP then again your problem is completely irrelevant to what Barbs are saying here.

Your complaints with the game have to do with systems and not classes.

Paragon >>> items. As you said. Once you have DH gear any DH can play rats in 115.
Make a meta character if you want meta XP. Everyone who wants paragon had to do this, not just DH.

The rats argument is horrible.


When he finally understands that–if he understands it–I hope a literal light bulb turns on.


I am going to repeat question again. Maybe your partner can help you.

What Barbarian’s dps builds for solo game play has to do with DH???
Why you wrote this:
“DH is way ahead of Barb and Monk now, and much more powerful”

Solo DH has more damage than Solo Barb and Solo Monk. DH damage >>> Barb / Monk damage. That is why DH can actually kill RGs in 150 in a good time and Barb can’t.

Is that too hard for you to understand?


LOL you’re one step away from having to bust out the crayons to explain it


So what??? It does not affect Barbs solo LBs what so ever.

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Arch, bro, this is like beating up a baby, we gotta stop lol