How much did you spend on Diablo Immortal?

I’ve spent $0 also. Also uninstalled on my s21 and my pc.

Hit level 60 paragon 9 within the first week, almost fell asleep at how boring it got and uninstalled it, jumped on diablo 3 for a late season entry as all DI did for me was make me appreciate what diablo III had to offer.


Funny you should say that. I too started playing D3 again after trying Immortal.

I bought the Battle Pass, some cosmetics, and a bundle or three. $30 all in all, and I’m having fun with it. Sitting in Hell 2 with a 1530 Combat Rating, some decent legendries from farming rifts and dungeons, and two 2/5 gems that dropped in rifts.

Is the paywall obscene? For sure.
Is the game predatory? Probably.
Is it a decent time sink until D4? I think so. Better than playing D3 for another two to three years, in my opinion.

We’ll see what happens next month and the month after.

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You didn’t make it out of the tutorial?

I haven’t spent a penny, still having a blast.

Well, except for the PvP - tried that once. Never doing that again.



I haven’t had much time to play games this month so I am not even done with the campaign yet. If I realise it is going to become a long term game for me I might buy a nice cosmetic or two. But that depends on whether my “I want to support them for giving me some fun” side or the “Screw this super pay to win crap” wins out. So probably not going to spend anything.


Spent 0 and still having fun ingame.


5$, uninstalled when I hit the battlepass weekly cap. Now saving my gaming money for D4/new rig, will be playing D3 until then… once s27 starts.

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0 but I like the game.


= D2(:R) is so boring, I prefer to spam the D3 forum

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Not a single cent.

Not sure how much I even bother playing anymore. I’ve hit paragon 30, gotten all the main rewards from the free battle pass, etc. but the game has become too grindy. I don’t mind grindy games but it should be rewarding too. D:I just isn’t.

I doubt you will see it as long term. The campaign and journey to 60 is fun. After that, it becomes clear. Enjoy it while you can for sure, take your time, end game is running the same watered down dungeons over and over whilst doing 8 bounties per day. If you want to get into PvP, expect to spend a metric ton of cash to be relevant. I don’t see the appeal past the story.

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Zero. I hate mobile games.

0.00€ and I still feel like I got scammed.


Zero, cant even get it in my country.

0$, it was so much like D3 that I didn’t feel like paying twice for the same game. And funny enough, since I had bought the D2R complete version with the D3 necromancer extension, I’m rediscovering D3 and it’s fairly fun, although I still don’t like the visuals and the textures are so low res.

I spent $0. I read all the reviews, and I refuse playing pay to win games. I got sucked in with a PTW golf game and never again. I would have gladly paid $89, (like I do for most games) for this game and still would be playing it. The horrible reviews of this game really pointed me in the right direction. I got to Level 20, and then uninstalled it totally.

Spend $1 to get to know the transaction process

I was going to get the battle pass and few other things but what drove me out of the game is the braindead, endless mouse-click on “claim reward”
Didn’t finish the campaign, which is sad because even if mobile games doesn’t keep me grounded more than 10 min, D:I would have been good to chill out.

Is that what that was? Tutorial? I guess that would make sense with all the prompting here and there and the footprints. What level were you when you finished it?

Zero dollars. So I am still a freeloader. I thought about maybe buying the battlepass and the D2 cosmetics but then i found out cosmetics and currency is not shared between characters so I didn’t. No point in rolling a alt

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i thought about buying the battle passes and cosmetics then considered that these are a complete waste of cash (if you are on a budget) since it would be better to spend it on eternal legendary crests which is the only way to gain a lot of power. considering that hole is a bottomless pit of gambling with no upper limit, i am not spending a cent for a single thing thanks to this. far as i am concerned, they are totally out of touch with these prices, especially with the insane inflation and increasing costs of living going on atm.