How much a X% damage nerf means in GR

Hello guys!
I’m not a math expert, and i don’t know how the damage scalling per GRift level works.
I found somewhere that is necessary a 17% damage increase per level.
Applying that logic to the recent necro and crus nerfs means that we’re losing something like:

400/500 = 0,8 - 1 = -0,2 * 100 = 20% nerf. So this means necromancer only got a 1 tier nerf? Or am i getting it wrong?

90/350 = 0,25 - 1 = 0,75 * 100% = 75% nerf. 75/17 = 4,4 rifts levels nerfed.
But then we got a ‘‘buff’’ to the six part.
Going from 15% to 67,5% (excluding three 0).
67,5 / 15 = 3,97.
So considering the buffs and nerfs, means that crusader did not get nerfed? Am i right?
I did not consider the stacks mechanics. All i see was nerfs and then my brain turned blank.

If i’m wrong, i would like someone to point me where i got it wrong, please.

no Crus didn’t get nerf , they killed it like they do all builds :expressionless:


crusader thorns not playable right now , build is death


Nope. I went from successfully clearing a GR131 (14m27s) prior to the update to failing a GR125 (18m21s) after the update. Looks like my hero’s ceiling would now be around GR123, i.e. an 8 GR nerf.

i have done 135 right now in 14:18

but i did prenerf 141 in 13:00

the nerf us bugger than 6GR but now its easier to be always at max stacks ( cuz its just 10) . Before nerf skill was more important , it was harder to be alive with 25 or more mobs hitting u every second now u just need to have each 10, and boss is the same usually u get arounf 5-6 in boss without adds and with adds u loose not much cuz except hanelin rest of bosses never g-ve more than 14-15 and boss was 30% of time over 140

in fact the real lost is 6,5-7 GR and build has become more easy to play but hard to gear , no1 is gonna play it like is now

i think has to be buffed up to 15 stacks instead of 10 ( it was 25 ) and damage as it was (350%- 90 is to low) that would be a 3,5 GR nerf that its ok

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You are talking about I6 while everyone is referring to bombardment build. In regards to I6, I look at it as neither. 10 stacks = 23.1 stacks in the old set. 90 X 10 X 67500 = 350 X 23.1 X 15000

If you assume 25 stacks prior at 350% per stack is now 10 stacks at 90%, the multipliers are:

I2_mult_old = 1 + 25*350% = 1 + 87.5 = 88.5
I2_mult_new = 1 + 10*90% = 1 + 9.0 = 10.0
I2_nerf = 8.85x

Next, the I6 bonus had it’s multiplier changed from 15000% to 67500% and the attack speed bonus changed from 50% to 100%.

I6_mult_old = (1 + 15,000%)*(1 + 50%) = 226.5
I6_mult_new = (1 + 67,500%)*(1 + 100%) = 1352.0
I6_buff = 5.97x

If you combine both, you get about 0.67x which is about a 2.5 GR nerf overall in terms of damage. This isn’t the whole story though as there are other buffs that can add to thorns but are not affected by the I2 bonus making them more powerful now (e.g. Reflective Skin).

As for the A6/I2 setup, since I2 lost 8.85x damage, then that equates to a 13.88 GR loss which is HUGE.

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13.88 GR loss make’s me want to curl up in a ball and cry :cry:

do you think the new patch would be a nerf to the non season I6? considering the 100% speed boost and 400% dmg multiper but - 15% loss of fevor and general slow nature of 2hander and loss of furnace.