How Many Rolls?

LMAO! That’s the second time in as many days that a meme has made me laugh out loud! The other one was Meteorblade’s tinfoil hat picture.

This week I found a real awesome ancient “holy point shot” quiver for my S6-DH with:
Dex, 20 % Lightning, 18 % As, 8,5CC, 14% Impale
It took me up to ~35 Mio gold per roll, to change dex in 8% increased elite dmg.
But i did it with a smile :grinning:

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Very nice. I keep getting nonsense like this…

There’s a catch that I don’t get? It’s not perfect but it’s a RGK spec quiver for groups.

What you’re missing is that it’s not fixable…

  1. It’s not cold (for overpenetration) or lightning (for ricochet) damage
  2. It’s missing 10% CHC
  3. It’s missing 15% Impale damage

That’s three affixes that are bad, only one of which could be changed at the Mystic, so all it’s good for is salvaging into 15 forgotten souls.

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That is super frustrating. I have been spared that aggravation, having found only Eminem’s Duffel (:wink:) and Leoric’s Signet drop on my first go-around to Guardian, the stupid Crusader flail, and only that flail, on my second, and we’ll see how it pans out on the one I just started…

So far it’s looking good though, I found a level 1 bow with 9.8 DPS, and level 1 Rare bracers with 3 Dex, 8 Vit, 5 LpS, and +4 XP on kill! :grinning:

Wait…why do you do that?

Group BK.
But also in Solo-Push its stronger than dex. (Para ~3500 NS)
With this quiver I managed to clear GR 125 with standard S6.
Attacked Elite and the Aera damage (90%) from hits melted the trash around.
Another possibility could be 20% more AD, but i don’t think so.


After you rolled Strafe damage for ChC%, I don’t think it’ll be that bad as you imagine. Just switch to Grievous Wounds for phys RGK spec, you’ll have all the damage you need. I don’t think you’d need skill bonus damage when you crit for an insane amount. Downside will be that phys impale will have to chew through crowds slowly as you’d lack area damage but crit damage supposed to make up for it.

Ah so hasty to decide I see…

If legendaries, ancients and primals had “fixed” rolls, like for example on your item:

Physical skills deal 20% more damage
1000 Dexterity
Attack Speed Increased by 20%
CHC increased by 10%
15% Impale damage

than you could just reroll the physical damage to whatever you want by the Mystic…

I would also add 2 new different recepies:

  1. Upgrade Legendary to Ancient (keep all affixes from the legendary, just upgrade the item to ancient values) - costs would be double the amount of crafting mats from the old reforging an item recipe was (10 of each act specific mat and 100 FS)
  2. Upgrade Ancient to Primal like above keep all the affixes from the ancient item, but the crafting costs would be quadrupled (40 of each act specific mat and 400 FS)

This way you wouldn’t have to worry about the worst possible rolls on your items and wouldn’t have to spent months or years to get your dream item or items…

Honestly primals should ALWAYS roll with almost perfect rolls with ONLY one affix that you can reroll by the Mystic to whatever you desire…

So every weapon would be a DPS weapon with just certain stats. My ZYangs would be an impossible drop?

Talk about making the game even more cookie cutter than it is.


You could still reforge it to whatever you want…:roll_eyes:

My primal Yangs that I use on my ZDH.

People call for primals to drop with only certain rolls, but there is more than one way to use a weapon, heck even a piece of armor can be used in different ways.

Leave primals as they are, perfectly rolled ancients. Yep, you’ll get ones that won’t work for what you want, same as ancients.


Looted Legendaries and Sets don’t need to come with fixated affixes at all, this only shall apply to crafted counter-parts. Especially crafted Legendaries should have fixated stats to diminish RNG. Developers use multiple randomization to entice players into participating to oncoming Seasons for MAU numbers. As long as you didn’t get what you wanted but teased into it, you’ll go for it.
This applies to the guaranteed Primals in Seasonal and anything you can think of, so looted leggy and sets will never have fixated affixes at all.

However, to mitigate multiple layers of random affix effect on looted Primals only, developers may allow two different affixes to be re-rolled via a consumable. I doubt this would hurt their season participation in anyway. In before you go ahead and say “let’s allow 6 affix re-rolls on Ancient and Normal legendaries!”; no, they won’t.
Remember the first part of this post; they still have to allure Seasons for players. While 2 affix re-roll may create the perfect item and end your item hunt for that one slot, you still have to be bound to such rare consumable artifact to re-roll stats; which again teases you into loot hunt.

It would be much worse than my current HPS due to lack of +Impale…