Five maybe. I mean, the season of followers is going to suck unless they do more eminates. Double Goblins isn’t going to hack it any more. Season of Triune didn’t impress anyone.
I expect 4 of season themes to rotate every 3 months.
- Soul shards always around January
- Environmental killstreak effects
- Ethereals
- Sanctified items
The only one that could be an option, but probably weaker than the above ones: 4 Kanai Cube slots with summons
Triune is part of the altar already (a bit weakened, but still)
I would say those four as well as the extra cube slot and any cube slot themes.
Good list, I think they can make one more like this:
Glue together auto RoRG + xtra cube spot + cube spot all “wild card” + shadow clone.
This is powerful, sure, but not any more than soul shard or ethereal.
Shadow clon only help at lower tier rift, so this not OP at all. Rest of this let u take very crazy build, 2 weapon + 2 ring in cube, or 4 immunity amulet if playing just for fun build!
Maybe this too strong for Necro build, some build could use Nayr + Reilena + TragFang + petrify spike, or some thing like this.
So maybe they just stick together Rorg + extra cube + shadow clone, something like this.
I just hope the boat-horn doesn’t make a comeback.
I agree because if it’s not Soul shards or Ethereals it’s not really power creeping much, just helping speed GR lower tier so combining should be the way to go unless you want that season to be very unpopular in comparison to the previous which since we already ran the gauntlet already we know what ones would be.
With the Altar adjustments in mind it kind of seems like it’s okay if every theme has about a +6-9 GR power boost since Altar is only about 2-3 tiers now instead of 12-15.
Casual broken game enjoyers have spoken xD
You could just say frankly; Free items and free progression all the time blizz plox!
Its gonna be interesting to see how sanctified item play along side with primordials, do we get to wear 1 or both crafted primals?
There’s 2 environmental themes, s21 snowball type and s19 kill streak theme. Both can return for change of flavour.
I think free LoD and free RoRG can be forged into one. Also with 4th slot and unrestricted 3 slots.