can not pick up blood shards
With such limited information provided here goes…
- The default limit on how many blood shards your hero can hold is 500. Once you have filled this, you cannot pick up any more until you’ve spent some in town at the Kadala NPC.
- The blood shard cap is increased by completing Greater Rifts. The cap is given by this formula… 500 + (10 * your highest successfully completed solo Greater Rift) …which means that, as an example, if you’d successfully completed a GR70 your cap would be 500 + (10 * 70) = 500 + 700 = 1200.
You pickup blood shards by running over them. The most likely reason that you can not pickup blood shards is that you are at your maximum blood shard carrying capacity. To spend blood shards, go to Kadala and purchase items with blood shards. That will free up space so that you can pickup blood shards again.
If you’re on console, you have to have exactly this or more room to pick up a certain pile of bloodshards. For example, if your limit is 1000, and you already have 985 collected, and the pile you want to pick up is 20, then you will not be allowed to. On PC you’d pick up to the limit, leaving the rest on the ground; on console, however, you’d have to spend some shards first to make room.