How do I find Ramaladni's gift?

I’m Paragon 569 and haven’t found a single one. I’ve mostly been running regular rifts and great rifts, cleared up to GR 88. Not a single freaking gift. Is there a more efficient way to farm them? Bounties? Quests? Vodoo ritual?

Keep playing my friend, that’s all you can do.

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You do not fine it, it finds you.

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They’ll start dropping especially when you can run T16 rifts and Greater Rifts at a good speed.
I don’t know about recent monk builds but it’s important to use skills and items that’ll make you fast and powerful. You can look up guides (like on Finally, looking at your gems (if your profile is up to date); they look at bit low - all around 40 - you should work on getting them higher. Like if you have a level 40 gem running an empowered GR 54 will guarantee you five upgrades.

I’m trying to make a Tempest Rush Patterns of Justice build I found online, but apparently links aren’t allowed.

I hadn’t played in years until a couple weeks ago, so I’d welcome any tips and feedbacks. Profile is mostly up to date, only difference is I just added the Won Khim Lau, which I’m hoping to socket with a gift, and I do have a jewelry cube power.

As for gems, I usually don’t empower the rift, I thought it was too expensive, though now I kinda have money to burn already. Should I invest in farming empowered lower level GRs to efficiently level them up? Which gem level should I aim for?

One more thing, does it make a difference in terms of Ramaldni’s gift drop rates if I run more bounties, or it doesn’t matter?

It’s not necessary to empower, and then you only need to go 13 gr levels higher than the gem level to get four 100% chances. When you start to reach your max GR level 60% chance is just fine. When you get stronger you can start to use gold find builds when running rifts for keys (or at least use Boon of the hoarder in one of the slots). You can also burn a lot of gold at the Mystic rerolling gear.
The gift drops from rifts and greater rifts, so it’s just a matter of time before you’ll get some.

Is it this guide? Maxrolll on Tempest Rush:

From personal experience your best bet is to run GR’s at a level you can do in 4 minutes or less. You’re still at the mercy of RNG, but at least if no gift drops you’re still gaining exp and gem levels.

Some seasons I’ve had less than a dozen in total drop, this season I’ve already used that many and have close to thirty in my stash.

Not this exact guide, but mostly the same thing.

Btw, I’m not playing a season character, does it change anything in terms of Ralamadni’s drop rates?

No it doesn’t matter at all. A frustrating thing is that one gift isn’t really enough because when you finally get one you don’t wanna waste it on an inferior weapon :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
You can get by with rolling a socket on a socketless weapon at the Mystic. Just reroll the least favorable affix. If it’s a good weapon you can roll the socket off for a better affix and then use the gift when you find it.

Hit up GR70-90 repeatedly. They eventually drop.

Yes!!! I found one!!! I don’t know what happened, I was doing a NR16, when the guardian appeared an army of treasure goblins showed up out of nowhere and I have no idea why. I’d never seen more than one at a time. I think I got most of them, my inventory was nearly to capacity with legendaries, and lo and behold, the die-looking green thing was among them!

I’m gonna use it on my Won Khim Lau, which is a mandatory weapon for my build and I’m likely to use it for a long time, and pray to find another for the second weapon or for when I find a better Khim Lau.

Speaking of dual weapons, does it matter which weapon is on the mainhand and which is offhand?

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According to the sources I read, it’s better for you to keep the higher damage one hander weapon to the main hand slot. Some skills use off-hand damage when attack animation calls for it if available, interchangebly. However, apparently most of the high hitting spells only consider main hand damage instead of an average damage of both slots or off-hand. Best result would be given if you swap hand slots and try to test it by yourself.

It seems to help finding them by playing a class that can dual wield, so barbarian, demon hunter, or monk. Every time I play something else, I end up with many fewer but that may also be that I don’t really like them as much…