Hope to add at least three character slots in 2.7.8

We all know the code for the storage box has lost and Devs are unable to create more storage box. plz add character slots so that players can create more characters in 2.7.8, and the character’s inventory can store equipment. Players really need more Character slot and I am willing to pay.

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If 13 tabs of Stash, 17 heroes’ inventories, and the inventories of three folllowers per hero isn’t enough slots then, quite frankly, no amount of slots would ever be enough to store the useless stuff you’re trying to hoard. Stop keeping so much useless stuff.


Except like to play ALL characters and ALL possible builds, really not useful.

I don’t know since you play, but I have my favorite class, the 5 sets equipped with their variants, and it takes me 2 (maybe 3) tabs.

And 3 free stashes.

We have enough sluts.
No need for more. xD

Assuming you have all character slots and all tabs, then even with two tabs given over completely to gems, legendary gems, ramas, followers gear etc you have enough space for more than 60 completely unique builds, with no shared pieces between them. That’s nine builds per class. No one is playing nine completely different builds across all seven classes. And if you just shared a handful pieces between builds, you could easily have a push build and a farm build for every set, and an LOD, for each class. 77 different builds. You’re really playing - or would play -77 different builds on the regular?

More stash space would just mean you’d hoard more gear that would never once actually be equipped on a character.

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Yes we definitely need more. I’d prefer the stash space, but characters would be ok workaround. Followers in my opinion are too bad workaround and I don’t use them for storage.
I want to play potentially 4-5 characters each season, which is off from my NS mule storage.

I have already needed to delete some of my builds, because I cannot fit them. I have things that could be considered extra, but very tight stash space is one of the reasons for this problem. It’s very irritating to clean things, when I cannot fit all related items to same tab. During season start & stop, I’d like to dump my gear to NS stash, compare to existing items and make easy cleanup, but easily run out of energy due to all the related tetris involved.

For my favorite builds, I keep some variants. Many rings and amulets are shared. I have probably half a stash tab too many of them, because it’s so hard to synchronize them between all characters when there’s no storage space.

I’ve been considering just deleting half of my NS characters and all their gear (barb, WD, cruz). This would make playing my favorites easier. In season I never have any problems with 2-6 characters even without mules.

The problem with this model is that it assumes…

  1. The player is targeting only the pieces required for the optimal cookie cutter builds and gets ideal rolls per slot so they don’t need variants.
  2. Isn’t factoring in back up sets for HC play
  3. assumes augment gems fit into those two tabs (I know some players with a tab or two of just augment gems that would be too annoying to throw away and rank up again)
  4. Isn’t factoring in for players who want to make their own LoD/LON builds… I can easily take up 2 tabs just for this activity alone (sometimes you hold onto two or three variants of the same item as you figure out what stats you need for an optimal build)
  5. allowing for space to move items around… the more items one has, the more buffer space they need to move things around.
  6. doesn’t allow for any empty tabs for dumping items for IDing later… something that’s good in group play or even doing fissures solo (I typically do fissures until 2 or 3 tabs of unIDed items are awaiting me to sort… sometimes I would do a few fissure runs whilst I wait for my wife before we head out and stopping to ID items may mean not finishing a fissure)
  7. Isn’t considering storage space for things such as legacy items or items the white and blue items that unlocks cosmetics.

I think all these are legit activities in the game… no, it’s not what the blasters would do but not everyone blasts. Some of us enjoy ARPGs for the loot hunt and experimenting with odd builds and the game ought to support that too.

It’s one reason why I haven’t bought D4 still… the limited stash space there is gonna annoy me.


Dude. There is no way you are playing anything close to 60 different builds.

How is that hard to believe?

On my main NS DH, at one point I had 10 unique builds including a dedicated build for each set, the old N6/M4 build, zDH, LoD RF, LoD Chakram, and LoD EA (I’ve since revised this after retiring my seasonal DH to NS use).

Other classes I’ve had to be a bit pickier with due to limited stash space but I can usually squeeze at least 4 unique builds onto a single character (one equipped, 3 in inventory which I offload into an empty stash tab when I play that character). Depending on the stash space I can devote to another build, I’ll add more.

The thing that annoys me most when it comes to being about to build LoD builds is not having the storage space available for holding onto gear as I figure out the build. At least not when doing for all 7 classes.

Do I play all builds every week? No, that’s unrealistic.

But I do fire up each class/build throughout the year. The point is that the build should be there when I want to play it and not require me to farm up ancient rolls with the right stats and re-augment them when I want to play that build.

It’s why I’ve complained about the lack of consideration for NS players in the current state of the game… it’s designed around seasons only. And if one isn’t on board with resetting progress every 3 months, then the experience will be subpar.

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