Highest massacre bonus?

I just got my highest leveling a WD…537, 4x exp

curios how high everyone has gotten theirs
map was Ruins of Corvus btw, omw to kill Adria

Try the “Vidian” road and launch the Cursed Chest :slight_smile:

(And don’t stop after CC)

Many people have 1000+ because that’s how many you needed to spawn diablo in season 19. I don’t personally keep track tho.


1000? Really?
When you want…

To be precise, the streak to keep for S19 and the kill streak were separate and you could get a diablo to spawn without having an actual kill streak of 1000 but I’m sure many players got both, if they went for diablo outside of rifts/grifts.


I got 997 in the Cow level. :laughing: Made me so mad too cuz I was trying to spawn Diablo. I never did get him to pop. :man_shrugging: Oh well, I r not worthy.

I got one in a cow portal with a couple of my friends on T16. They had no idea about the Uber Diablo spawn and I did, so I was trying for it. Uber D spawned, they were like “what the heck??!!!”, then they got rek’d. Great times. It was fun.

They need to bring the Uber D spawn back. Maybe with a cool unique item as a bonus drop from him. The game is starved for something besides bounties/rifts/grifts. It would be nice to have something else to do/shoot for.


Maybe it should drop an anni lol


I would be totally fine with that. They could give the anni a special function, such as opening a portal to special area that is fun, but not mandatory, similar to a rainbow goblin portal or something.

spawned heavy D in the cow lvl in HC had no idea what was going on … found out soon enough.

But what kind of item would that be? D3 has no charms. So maybe it could be a legendary gem, one that can be slotted in a chest armor… obviously only one at a time.

How about Yellow Soul Shard, can be slotted into chest, unique-equipped, has its own xmog.

Yes, that is a reference to Baal’s fragmented soul stone, which unlike Diablo’s that was pierced into head, was pierced into Tal Rasha’s chest.

With some whacked up effect of course, not BiS quality.

1000+ streak after that I just tired of but could to continue this and so on. But XP doesnt boosts after 400.

Ok, I give you the tip.

  • Get some items with thorn damage
  • Down the difficulty
  • Go to The Royal Crypts
  • Don’t use any skills
  • Stand in the center of the 4 “pylons”
  • And wait…
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oh… lol yeah that would have hurt