High GR DH GoD6 thoughts and feedback w/video!

Hey! So I’ve spent a lot of time in 130+ GR’s in the PTR messing around with the GoD6 changes using all different types of setups and skills. I originally was going to do a write up, but some specifics, especially the topic of HA and density (hot topic), I felt would be better explained in a video, with the 133 clear in the background.

The super TL:DW

  1. Great in speeds. Many different options. Build relies on much less RNG overall

  2. Super good in isolation scenarios even in high GR’s. Stricken will not be necessary with DA.

  3. Feels awful in density still. (Will need to watch the video on this point. I cover a lot of info and things that haven’t been discussed in detail).

  4. Hits a hard GR wall fairly quickly, similar to S6 impale DH, but with less control over your advantageous scenarios (important).

P.S. Shatter shot rune is bugged, again, but not in a good way this time :confused:

P.S.S. Had to reupload the video. Several glitches occurred during the rendering. Sorry!

All comments welcomed.


I’ve been watching you lurk all day waiting to see your thoughts. Thanks for the video.

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Thanks for the video also on ptr doing the same. It needs higher pierce cap 5-10 and a bit more multiplier I feel 20k.

The density footage is a bit worse than I expected tbh, it’s like you’re spinning but forgot to fire in places.

It looks like you’re missing both direct damage and AD procs from the pierce change. The really crunchy interactions with density are gone. Health continues to scale up but rift conditions are trending your damage down.

A lot of comments today suggest to just “do better” but you neatly showcased exactly where this build dies and with how quickly it breaks down it’s no wonder so many people are unsatisfied.


It’s mainly because of the pierce cap so low the arrows never reach in a tight dense pack to mobs in the middle anymore rather then then a small dense pack. But yeah pretty much

It used to be a great and fun build to play. Now, being past tense, there’s not much more to say sadly.

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As strange as this may seem, I’d like to steer this away from solutions or suggestions.

Both Iria and dmkt have done phenomenal jobs on that front already moving that train along. I mostly wanted to talk about how it feels to play and really touch on why density is really rough on GoD6’s current iteration.

That’s the funny thing. The 133 video in the background were in areas and maps that wouldn’t be considered optimal density or “playable”. It would have looked worse on a proper map like festering or battlefields.

I’m still theory crafting hard on best case scenarios and how to take advantage of them…or rather…how to best create those scenarios. I’m sure you noticed that on the pandemonium fortress floor there were times where I purposely decided not to pull more mobs into the open areas because I knew I wouldn’t have been able to kill the elite and get valuable progress before moving on had I done so.

There is some merit to trying to figure it out and adjust, but the fun factor playing this in high GR’s isn’t there, thus making it difficult to retain motivation. Maybe a discovery will happen eventually, who knows, but I do hope for another round of small tuning of some sort before it hits live.

I will say speed GR’s, especially with the follower updates, are super fun, even GR’s into the 10ish+ minute range and it makes you appreciate the newfound consistency, when there’s not too much density around of course :slight_smile:

P.S. I had to reupload the video in my OP. Several glitches occurred during rendering.


That’s the scariest part tbh, it was just “density” for the footage and there were times where you just didn’t even seem to be doing damage. Like, at all.

The point of not really having the option to skip was another rough thing to watch. You aren’t so much in danger of getting glassed or just losing but creating an actual unwinnable fight and destroying your potential to push that rift at all.

And it happened so fast.

Thanks DiE.

Maybe there is a middle ground between a AoE set (UE MS, LoD RF) and an elite hunter set (Impale) and you’re on the way to finding it with GoD in its current form.

Couple of questions:

  • Do you think stacking masses of area damage is still useful? For example, taking damage on rings over AD.
  • How do the numbers stack up with a GoD grenade build? Still a lot weaker than HA? Just contemplating that comment Blizz threw out there about opening the set up to other primaries. And there aren’t that many options. (Edit: I realise this would create a kerfuffle between Hunter’s Wrath, Hellcat, and Depth Diggers and the cube without some RoRG interactions.)

Some thoughts about the new playstile.

Nearly everyone changed to Squits and fortress, the follower got Fot and Nems.

But it is not easy to hold the Squits buff by avoiding any damage.
I managed at least to clear GR129 at 4900 Para.

But is that realy the right Playstile for the GoD-DH?
Our DH’s have lot of AD, and lose one stat on Amu (CDR) and one stat on the Valla’s. The follower lose the Johanns Essenz - no more puls.

So I tried the “old” way, Johanns Essenz back on follower, Fot and Vallas back on DH. Cause of playing ~8GRs lower, I could switch to wolf , and stand in nearly every Occulus circle. The result was not worse. The playstile more fun.
Standing in the occulus by the followers pulls, melt the trash with AD.
Chipped Elite can be finished by the new 6 peace buff +15000% and to the reason you play ~8GRs lower.

Give the old play stile a try! :grinning:

Yep. Pretty much this.

Personally I’ve always taken damage on rings over AD if I have AD on the 4 main slots already. It’s still important to stack AD, and the fact that the build excels in low density means you really can’t go wrong either way. With the power pylon, it took me a little over 20 seconds to kill that RG in the 133, which is crazy.

The bigger question is whether or not ess of johan is as useful. This is debatable and the value changes depending on whether you wear Ess yourself or put it on the follower, but in the current state, I’d argue that Squirts/Flavor on follower is probably stronger than Ess/Flavor or Ess/Squirts.

Grenades are awkward to use because grenades follow your mouse rather than auto targeting the nearest monster. You lose a bit of damage any time you decide to circle a dense area or anytime you’re literally not moving straight forward.

I’ve been pretty vocal about wanting to have more options with GoD6, but after discovering this new shatter shot bug, and recalling how rigid the bola setup is (taking 2 legendaries to be feasible vs just 1 with HA), more work would need to be done and fixed before these options stand a chance past speed content.

I lean a bit more towards wanting to make the set feel better in density, and honestly the only way to do that is to adjust the pierce cap. At the very least, it won’t change the variety we have in speeds, but DA will remain king.

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Thanks for the reply. I gave grenades a whirl on PTR, had a laugh, then turned it off.

Super video! Great, useful content.

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It’s not bugged, they nerfed it. Again.

It is bugged again.

They fixed the side arrows ignoring the pierce cap, but introduced a new bug in it’s place, which makes the arrow actually not pierce at all past the initial hit. I made a video clip of this, reproducing the bug in a controlled environment that I plan on submitting on bug reports.

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