Hidden profiles

That’s a good idea if you have less than twenty different site logins, but unless you have the identical password for every site which most people would avoid because it then becomes hack one, hack them all, then it becomes tedious remembering passwords.

You might think so but you are incorrect. Remember it is a circular effect, it becomes a bit quiet so a few people rather go on the US forums then it becomes quieter as time goes on. And I am sure I am not the only one who searched for “Diablo forums” and found the first link to be the US one. Was only after a few visits that I even realised there is an EU one.

His, is there any other

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How does that phrase not make sense? I never visit EU forums ever. Why would I? Why would anyone when they don’t know how to respect each other?

Because you like to play the pronoun game. What bogus, what lie, what do we hide…?

Trolls get an endorphin rush from seeing the chaos their posts cause. So, of course they stick to the US forums, where they have a higher likelihood of getting the rush they want.

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Oh that’s why the EU comes to US forums is to troll and hide behind censorship? Well we love you too lol. If not for the USA then Europe would have been ran by fascist dictators when the Germans where leading their conquest for riches and fame.

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Somebody needs a refresher course on world history. America didn’t do it alone…

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It was NATO with USSR also known as United Nations I know my history pretty well! Speak for yourself I’m not the one visiting forums to get an adrenaline rush. Theirs plenty of ways to do that which are actually enjoyable.

NATO was formed after WWII… :roll_eyes:

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The names change basically same alliances. Politics. Is this the forum for political jargon? We could get into Brexit and all that if we are going to keep it up to date.

No, but you started it, so knock it off.

You went from hidden profiles, to EU posters being trolls, to World War II fascism but you’re definitely not chumming the waters hoping for bites. Nope. Totally non-inflammatory. Absolutely not trolling for attention. Nuh-uh.

In case it was unclear, sarcasm was used in this post.

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The lion’s share was done by a socialist dictatorship that took control of the less popular half of Europe. You know your history which is more than most people. /hat tip.

We’ll call it a collaborative effort. No one party did it single handed.


“I never visit EU forums ever”

Proceeds to claim that the people who do, do not respect each other.

I didn’t have to when they all came over to the US forums to talk smack and be disrespectful to players posting on here. Actions prove it lol. You’re silly.