Hidden profiles

See if you can work out why those of us that play on EU post on US…

EU General Discussion Forum Activity (10 most recent threads)…

US General Discussion Forum Activity (10 most recent threads)…

The US forums get more activity in a couple of hours than the EU forums get in a week. US General Discussion has six stickied threads. EU General Discussion has zero. Essentially, posting things on the EU forums is like yelling into the void. That’s why we post here, because this is where the activity is and, to limited extent, where we actually get some blue posts.


So you’re a non American? :face_with_monocle:


Do trolls have a nationality or are they excluded because they are another species?

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So you are non American, good to know. :point_up_2: :clown_face:

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Yes I get that. I am all for privacy and anyone’s choice to be private or public.
However, saying that I realise the only true way I could have the remotest chance of at least 90% privacy would be if I completely went off the Internet for the remainder of my life and wait for probably at least five years before the slightest footprint of my existence was removed from the servers and caches wherever I had previously posted even one sentence or done the simplest of searches.

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looks to me like you ran off all the decent posters on EU and are trying to do the same here on the NA players forums.

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He helps other players, where is the problem?

Maybe one day you could try?

He helps. He’s showing what not to do.


Good thing you were never one of them.

I wanna be special!!

Please tall me how!

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if you mean game profile you shouldn’t be able to…it’s easier to see who’s botting with open profiles

A wise man learns from his own mistakes.
A wiser man learns from the mistakes of others.

and those wiser men set sail to create the good ol USA and Canada and then Blizzard North.

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Why are you here? You got a ban on D2:R forum?

LoL I agree. The EU forums are probably dead from the trolls over killing the innocent players on the forums with rude and derogatory comments. These folks ruffled my feathers a few times but me skin is thick. They clearly don’t have anything better to do other then hide behind censorship and harass paying customers.

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The EU forums always had low traffic, but a complete disregard of the EU forums by Blizzard meant it’s pointless to post there. If anyone from Blizzard’s actually reading them, they never respond. It’s just announcements of PTR, season start (maybe), season end (maybe) and they don’t even bother to sticky those threads. People in EU don’t care about the EU forums because Blizzard don’t either.

Take a look at the Blizz Tracker for EU General Discussion.
The new forums went live roughly 2 years 4 months ago. They’ve made just 21 posts.

Now take a look at the Blizz Tracker for the US General Discussion.
They made more posts than that in the last six months.

They also suffer from the Tower of Babel problem. Translating everything into multiple languages, often poorly, leads to mass confusion.

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That reminds me of the whisper game I played as a child in preschool. You whisper a phrase into an ear of someone, they do the same to the person next to them and so on. Until you reach the end classmate who blurts out the phrase. It’s typically vastly different then the original phrase, especially with larger classes.

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Not you only, but everyone you know, where you work, what you do. Privacy online is an illusion but I can still take some efforts, even when they are utterly futile. Besides, it can be quite fun to develop a new name for every account.
