Here Is A Battlenet Sleeping Workaround To Play Now!

  1. Go to D3 installation folder “C:\Program Files (x86)\Diablo III\x64
  2. Make a new shortcut to the Diablo III64.exe (not the launcher app) on the desktop.
  3. Right click, “Properties
  4. Then navigate to “Target” and add “-launch”. It should look like this: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Diablo III\x64\Diablo III64.exe” -launch

BTW, This information was provided by Belgarath. So thank him too! I just added how to use the 64bit version!


This isn’t working for me

That’s because the issue isn’t the launcher itself, it’s with Blizzard’s authentication servers. Whether you use the launcher or not, you still have to be able to authenticate to be able to play…

works for me. Check everything, make sure your doing a new shortcut and adding -launch to the end of it after the quotes.

It still works, you just have to use the authenticator app and relogin each time you load the game.

Yup you are correct, I double checked and I was missing the quotations around -launch. I’m in now, this workaround does in fact work

Does it work on Warcraft 3 Reforged?

I dont have that game installed, but it should work fine. Just locate the 64bit exe or the 32bit exe game launcher and create a new shortcut then add -launch to the end.

Tried with the quotations around and it says invalid when I hit apply.

A previous post was a bit misleading. The -launch parameter should NOT be in quotes.

I tried. Ok. It works…although I can only play it offline.

It works without Quotes. Just make sure to put a space before -launch.

If anyone else is trying to swap to Asia, you can do the tip above, then in options in the game change region. This crashed a couple times but I’m in Asia new season now :slight_smile:

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Thats good that this works for asia too!

ok… but how change servers? it starts with eu and i played on US. google dont help. epic fail that you still cant switch servers in game

Does it pick region by up location? If so use a vpn at a temp workaround?

Edit: Nevermind launcher works again!