Hey guys sorry might be in wrong spot I’m on the mobile app ans my phone isnt exactly agreeing with it.
I’m running the wailing host and LON for the 750% damage bonus per ancient. I admit I’m still gathering ancients for certain armor slots, so i assume thats half of the “road block” I’m facing.
In a nut shell I have the wand and off gand that buffs orb damage.
I have a few ancients. I’ve tried the tal rasha orb build ive seen floating around and I didnt like it too much and maybe I’m doing something wrong but it wasnt doing as much damage .
Right now I have in the cube, the furnace, the belt that makes my signature spells attack faster and gain extra arcane power and for the last slot I have squirts necklace.
I havent found the wand that lets you teleport with out a cool down.
I can run through t13 fine .
How ever I’m very very VERY squishy. Any suggestions so I dont die to a spear from a moon clansman lol t14 if I dont pay attention I get hit by one and im dead.
As I said im wearing ancients even if they dont suit me or help any abilites just so I get the ancient bonus from the rings. Any suggestions oelase and thank you… Again sorry if wrong place to post.
Also the three gems in tuning
Are bane of the trapped
(Cant remember the name) the one the farther you are the more damage you do
Bane of the powerful.
I was going to run the one that pretty much does the same thing as LON but then i saw the “fine print” that it wont work with set items
I can’t find your profile anywhere, are on PC?
You might want to take this to the Wizard section of the forums if you have questions specifically about wizard builds. And, generally speaking, if you want to see what builds should look like, you can check what people on the leaderboards are doing and/or a build guide such as ~www.icyveins.com~
Also, rather than describing your gear (especially if you don’t even remember what the names of items are), give us a link to either your profile or d3planner.
Okay, fair enough and thank you. Also xbox one not PC as for icy veins ive been on there to look around before posting here and there’s plenty of stuff on there just not what im doing. As for the section on this website. I hit new topic and when the drop down window came for section it only gave me like 5 options and non of them were for any characters. So I apologize for that. And as for the planner how accurate is… And is it mobile friendly?
I don’t know.
Try it and see for yourself: https://www.d3planner.com/
Icyveins have pretty much all the builds that people run or have run in the past. If it’s not there, odds are the build wil not be viable.