Help with deciding which ring is better

I have the choice between the following Focus rings:

Primal Ancient
650 dex
50 CHD
w/ secondary physical resist


10 Area Dmg (min roll…)
5.5 CHC
50 CHD
w/ no relevant secondary

There’s no doubt area damage is the superior stat but given the min roll on AD vs max roll on dex I’m not sure what the choice is. Perhaps use the AD one for pushing and the Dex one for speed runs as enemies tend to just melt away and the AD doesn’t really come up as much.

Assuming you haven’t already re-rolled something at the Mystic, the primal is way, way more useful as you can roll off the DEX and replace it with an offensive affix such as Area Damage, Attack Speed, Damage Range, and so on. It would also make it class-agnostic, should you ever want to use it on another class.

At late-game / high paragon, the loss of 650 DEX is completely trivial compared to the damage you might gain from an offensive affix instead. Remember, you can always get more DEX from paragon points, but you can’t easily get another 20% AD, 7% AS, and so on.

At 1300 paragon, the primal with Dex is your best choice. The 10% AD is minor with all the rest of the AD that you have rolled on your gear.

Thanks for the replies, Meteorblade and Varadia.

Unfortunately, I had to reroll an useless stat (life per hit, I think) into the CHC on the primal. So what I have here is the best these rings can possibly be.

I just started playing so my paragon is quite low. In fact, I haven’t even put any DEX into paragon yet as I’m still pumping VIT to increase my pushing potential. At what paragon would you say the DEX becomes trivial and AD starts to take over as being superior?

For illustration, if you had those Primal rolls from the drop (before Mystic) - you would need to augment with a 130 gem to get back the 650 Dex if rolled off for Dam/AD.

I’m nearing 3k paragon and I’m still not comfortable rolling off Dex yet…but mabye some guys who’ve been 3k+ for a while can answer when the “right time” is to consider rolling Dex. It also depends on the piece of gear and build.

Gratz on that ring though - I’ve only ever dropped 2 primal Restraints and neither could I roll to get both CHC/CHD.

I’m not sure there’d be an easy “this much main stat” sort of answer because it basically comes down to calculating how much offensive power you lose from not having the DEX versus gaining the other offensive affix.

I’ll use my UE/MS Demon Hunter - Multishot - and her primal Yang’s as an example.

I’ve re-rolled the DEX off her Yang’s into 10% CDR. Without the DEX on the bow, she currently has 34,941 DEX. So, if I hadn’t done that re-roll she would have had another 1000 DEX. That means an offensive increase of 35941/34951 = 1.028, i.e. a 2.8% damage increase.

However, she’s using the Captain Crimson set which grants extra damage based on CDR. Without the CDR from the Yang’s she has 42.02% CDR. With the Yang’s having CDR on it, she has 47.83% CDR. That means an offensive increase of 47.83/42.02 = 1.138, i.e. a 13.8% damage increase.

So, for my DH the CDR is worth more offensively than the DEX is. The DEX would be more useful when…
(Current DEX + 1000)/Current DEX > Combined CDR/Current CDR.

If we assumed the same amount of CDR values for another DH and use some values for Current DEX…

15000 + 1000 / 15000 = 1.06666 = 6.7%
10000 + 1000 / 10000 = 1.1 = 10%
7500 + 1000 / 7500 = 1.13333 = 13.3%
5000 + 1000 / 5000 = 1.2 = 20%

I just got a Primal Focus & I couldn’t roll anything extra on it because it’s original stats only had Dex & CHC , so I had to roll CHD on it . I augmented it pretty high so that I would get a bit of a boost out of it , but my non primal ancient Focus blows it away . It has plus to damage on it as well as the CHC & CHD . Way better than the primal . It’s just a matter of what you get on the original roll that makes it either worse or better , just like any item in the game . In order to get an upgrade the item has to roll originally with two good usable stats or it won’t be as good . On most items you will at least need three good usable primary stats after re-rolling to make it worth while .