Help: Command skeletons % stat info

Hey, i’m building a very lazy build with torn skeletons, and was just wondering if the command skeleton % stat on items add instantly, or only when the skill is actually “active”?
Been looking around and searched any way i could think off, but can’t find any breakdown on the actual stat, could just be nice to know.
Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

If you are referring to whether cmd skele % adds to thorns that they reflect back, the answer is yes.

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That’s good to know actually, but no it was whether or not the 15% etc gets added to the skele without having them commanded on a target?
Or if the dmg is also added when they just run around hitting random targets.

Yes cmd skele % buffs whether target is cmd or not.

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Skill rune says it can increase to 400 percent with two piece jesse