Have some questions about CO OP and the game in general!

Hi everyone!
Bought the game 2 days ago, and had fun playing it,never played Diablo before.
I’ve chosen Necromancer class lvl24 atm, finishe 1st act yesterday.My girlfriend will join me tomorrow and she wants to play monk class.
We are playing on ps4 platform.

Should I wait for her before jumping in act 2?
Anything important that we need to know/do
before starting CO OP?
Also if theres anything that is good to know about the game I would be thankful!

If you want to play coop its probably best to make a new character to use for coop. playing with a lvl1 and a lvl 24 wont be any fun for you bcs either you play on the lvl1 diff meaning you kill everything or you play on the lvl24 diff and then your girl will just die all time

The best thing to know when starting out is that the game really doesnt start untill you have reached lvl70 and finished your first campaign

You and your girlfriend should both create a seasonal toon at the same time and go through the journey together.

probably better if they finish the campaign first just to get a feel for the game and there toons then when they are done with that jump into season

Ok ty guys for help!
We will finish campaign 1st. If she join my world she will get xp for completing quests?
After campaign done do we need to create new characters for season or we can still use the same that we made?

You need to create new characters for seasons, you could rebirth an existing one but that will simply revert that character to a new lvl1 toon

Is there some conditions/terms like we need to beat campaign 1st then to jump in a season?

No. Seasons are open to everybody, not just those who have finished campaign. In season the games’ adventure mode is automatically unlocked so the whole world is open to you.

They would still get a feel for the game either way since they start at lvl 1, but whaevers…

Thanks bro. We will see tomorrow how we gonna do it.
Just one more thing is there anything crucial that we need to know before start a season?

Go to icy-veins dot com. They have a real good break down/guide of what to do, how to approach the season and what to look for. Good Luck!

Thx again!Will do! Cheers!

Ty! We started season adventure today on normal difficult. Lvl 12 necromancerand lvl11 monk. We realise that theres a bunch of stuff to do and to understand how to this/that. We are having fun. Prolly gonna mess up at some point… :smile:

That’s 1/2 the fun of playing! Good luck!

Ok we are both at 42lvl yaay!
Trying to lvl up blacksmith from lvl 10 to lvl 12 but need some potion called death breath.We don’t have any idea how to get it?
Also how to use those books/recipes properly.Can we give them to blacksmith somehow?
And she is doing a lot more dps with a monk than me with necromancer which is awesome. I’ll try to catch up ha ha.
Last question is about Kanai cube should we try to do anything with that yet or to wait when we get to lvl 60/70, because it looks a bit complicated and we are missing a lot of materials…

You start to get them at lvl 60 (61?).

Need DB’s to use cube, so…(not all cube functions, but the most important ones for early season)

Could do challenge rift for the free mats?

To reach recipes to Blacksmith and Jeweler, r-click on the recipe while talking to them.

DB will be dropped by elites after lv61+.

To learn the recipe, put it in inventory, go to Blacksmith or Jeweler.
Right-click the recipe item. It will be disappeared. You may need to set the filter to Show All to see it.

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Can we change current difficult from normal to hard somehow?
And I guess challenge rift is still locked for us.
We are running normal rifts and bounties last 2 days mostly.
Any suggestion what else we can do at this point that could be useful?

At start menu, below ‘start game’ click ‘game settings’. Can change game difficulty from there. Challenge Rift option is found there, also.

Just keep doing bounties and nephalem rifts until reach 70. Once hit 70 that’s when the real fun begins.