Harmless changes

There are many topics with different very dangerous suggestion. Most of them shifts “causality” balance towards d3.
There is a list of really safe suggestions, that can not damage d2 in any way and only make the game more authentic.
I think these changes are first candidates to implement after release.

  1. Remove respecs to make player’s decisions matter.
  2. Add more immunes (especially magic and phys).
  3. Decrease rune drop rate back to 1.11. It is fun, when 1 of 10 have enigma (even not me). It is not fun if 9 of 10 have enigma.
  4. Add a term to the TOS to specifically forbid trade d2 items for currency surrogates.
  5. Bring back IM to CK. Probably, reduce %, but not sure here (generally, you should search for other damage sources to beat CS).
  6. Fix “dodge” amazon bug.
  7. Adjust channeling spell description (make numbers show real DPS).

I agree with all except this one, because it makes Barbs mostly useless, especially in HC.

How about warcry barb? ))
Actually, fire sorc also useless in CS, and that is fine. Each character should have some “bad” locations.

I’m sorry, but except for bug fixes and tooltip description adjustments, I don’t see these changes as “harmless” or any kind of “authentic”.

These changes either go back to an older version of D2 (respecs, drop rate, …) or implement things that were never there in the first place (more immune monsters).

I understand every gamer wants his favorite version of the game to be implemented but they simply can’t do that, they can only pick a version (latest) and implement this one, adding simple quality of life features on top of it like gold auto-pickup, larger chest and customizable keys, so that the game doesn’t feel too painful to play with. Because even if veteran players who spent thousands of hours into D2 can enjoy it, let’s be honest, it will probably be better with these small QoL improvements.


nah, don’t think any of these are needed.


Agree with all except for #5. Melee’s early game is already weak enough as it is.

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I agree with anything that goes the opposite direction of babying the game (all games spoon feed these days, like D3 which is why it’s bad), Brevik and the crew were actual gamers and had D2 follow a theme of victory not coming easy to the player, which is why they even did the cow portal penalty in the first place (but I’m not against the penalty being lifted).

I agree with the rune drop being decreased because I’d like to see a Diablo where unique items have more significance again.

I agree with the respec tokens being removed because 3 is enough, and I think this game is better when your character can have a sense of prestige. If you see someone with an axe throwing barb, that’s impressive that they went out of their way to go make that barb. If I see an axe throwing barb in todays game, it’s just :roll_eyes: trying out the throwing axe barb, eh? This game has a way different feel to it when your character or another players character can be seen as a piece of art, and I think this is something game devs don’t think about these days. The respec tokens were motivated by WoW. I know for damn sure Brevik would have never put respec tokens in the game.

If we bring back IM to Chaos, we should make leap attack not do physical damage as it didn’t before.

  1. Respecs are currently limited until you get to hell mode. Even once in hell mode, you still need to be able to farm the bosses, which not all characters can do easily, especially if they didn’t synergize correctly. Basically, if you need to use a respec, you probably already messed up. People will understand that their choices matter if they have to go through this process. Additionally, what if you accidentally click the wrong skill, or have a medical condition (e.g. seizures) that makes you more prone to misclicks? A free respec is a lot more friendly to fix a small mistake. I don’t think your suggestion for this point fixes anything, and it only makes qol worse.

  2. In hell mode, almost everything is immune to something. Some monsters are dual immune to start, such as the guardian (magic, fire). If he’s stone skin, magic resistant, and lightning enchanted… It can be really hard to kill them. They are also accompanied by swarms of cold immune skeletons which your Merc cannot life leech. Some builds cannot progress in single player as it is, due to immunities. Have fun in maggot lair as a lightning javazon…

Basically, immunities are fine as they are. Adding more would severely limit the viability of missy builds for solo play.

  1. Have you actually farmed for an enigma? It takes months of farming, even in players 7. In about 1.5 months I was able to make a grief phase blade and a fortitude armor in single player. I’ve had 2x Lo rune drop, and 2x Ohm. No jah, ber, vex, etc. I think you’re really complaining about duping items, which led to a relative easy time of acquiring high tier rune words. If you played single player, I think you’d have a more realistic experience of what drop rates are currently like. They’re also fine.

  2. D2jsp, for example, let’s you move currency between realms, and game modes. Want to start a hard core character? You can farm soft core gear, sell for fg, and swap for more expensive HC gear. Limiting this sort of feature would remove capability from the economy and would not be replaced by anything. You’d be shrinking qol for everyone. Bad suggestion… Sounds good on the surface, but doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.

  3. Makes the game literally impossible for many melee builds in hard core. Terrible suggestion.

  4. What’s the bug? Is this where the animation for attacks isn’t properly interrupted by dodge/evade/avoid? Yeah, that probably should be fixed. Did you know that your dodge animation frames can be lowered (improved) by fanaticism?

  5. Good suggestion. You should probably expand the scope though, to fix the other oddities and misinformation that the character screen provides.


No they aren’t, you get 1 each difficulty.

No to pretty much all of these except #6 and #7.

Let me send you the definition of limited:
" adj. Confined or restricted within certain limits."

1 per difficulty would be the limit. Therefore; yes, they are limited.


I suppose if you want to argue semantics, sure, they are technically limited. In reality, who would possibly need more than 1 respec each difficulty? but yea…sure…they’re limited.

Since that’s the intention I had when I used the word “limited”, yes, that is what I meant. I’d say we understand one another now… how would you have phrased it to make it more clear?


Having 1 respec per difficulty fixes a big problem tbh…

If your build doesn’t have any synergies until level 18 you will only use 1 point per prerequisite until then, essentially ruining the early game. With a respec in normal, nightmare, and hell you can build for your current level in the early difficulties before making a true end game build. Without a respec you either gimp yourself in the beginning or gimp yourself in the end, or in some cases both

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Yep. I normally (when playing a sorc), spec fire for normal / nightmare, and switch to cold in hell mode. Leaf is just too stronk if you get a +3 fireball staff early on.

That is the literal definition of limited. YOU are arguing semantics .


I would have phrased it as follows. “You are limited to 1 respec per difficulty, before you can farm for extra respecs in hell difficulty”

But yes, good we all are on the same page now.

This was fun for me, tbh. It was an interesting and difficult thing to use your PvP char in PvM, made for an extra challenge.

I’m fine with respecs, but the game had its charm without them, for sure.

"Limited until " It was the “until hell difficulty” that through me off. It can be read as you meant it, or it can be read as the “limitation” is lifted when you get to hell. I’m not arguing semantics, I’m arguing abiguity. Anyways, it doesn’t matter, I’m going to get back on track in this thread.

No, these aren’t “harmless changes”…any time someone comes to these forums and says their teeny tiny little change is harmless, it never is.