Hardware Banning may work for consoles, but anyone can change hardware ID’s via PC, no part replacement necessary…
It doesn’t have anything to do with how long Bliz takes. The detection time is the same regardless of how it’s addressed, hardware ban, IP ban, account suspension, etc.
It is all about the time they need to detect a bot user and ban him, as the revenue of botting is proportional to the time they spend botting, you know, bots get items proportional to the number of runs/time spent botting, i thought it was not necessary to explain this.
If you start botting and you dont get banned in 2 monts you probably will gain more than you will lose, but if you start botting and you get banned the next day then botting stops being profitable.
It’s probably on purpose, give time so they can recover and do again, then ban and the cheaters buy new cdkeys etc. there had a youtube video about how much money blizz make with those bans, if they do it frequently botters/cheaters will give up and blizz will lose money, it’s sad to say but possibly they let people bot/cheat/dupe on purpose to milk money with cdkeys.
No, you didn’t have to explain it because I’m aware of how Bliz bans in waves, but in this case, I understand the importance behind why they do it that way.
The problem again is in the superficial understanding of how the anti-cheating industry learns and implements its counter measures. It’s far more complicated than what you experience on the surface.
The industry’s research has shown that when a new cheating method pops up, is used and is detected, immediately banning tips off its creators as to what was detected. That in turn allows them to immediately make changes to once again go undetected for a long as possible. Thus only stopping that one app for a short time every time the process repeats. However, delaying action by grouping it into waves leaves the creators uncertain of what was detected. Was it their app? Was it someone else’s? Thereby giving them nothing to work with, resulting in either 1) abandoning the app altogether, or 2) taking significantly longer to figure out how to change their app to go undetected again.
We see this all the time in the Customer Support forum. Players challenging Bliz’s methods only to be shown by those that know far better that players just don’t have enough insight into the inner workings/bigger picture to be challenging the systems.
Hoping they realize that the botting in D2 had a much larger affect than it does in wow. Itemization in D2 is the end game and doing a 3-5 month ban cycle is pretty much a joke for D2.
IP and hardware bans might be avoidable but I can tell you it’s much harder than just installing a new cd key.
there are hardware ip spoofers. this is done within a second. please do some research before suggesting it.
It’s pretty sad that blizzard needs months to “study” bots before acting on them. And when they do how long are bots down for a week or two? They need to step up their game put some effort into detection methods, they can do much better let’s be real here…
Just want to put this out there. So in the D2 resurrected Deep Dive Panel they discuss just a little about what there doing about dupes/bots etc… but they don’t go into detail much. You can check at (43:33) in the deep dive panel. But to me it sounds like there working on things to combat it more efficiently. Can they all be stopped? Honestly I don’t know the answer to that because I’m terrible with things like this. The way we can stop botters/duping is as a community stop giving your money away for the service the botters/dupers are producing. Not only that but stop botting for your own gain too.
To me anyways it’s a moral issue. Personally, I believe that if you have to cheat to win you never won at all. The people who do play fair and square, in my opinion, have a better overall experience and I am saying that from a player stand point. To me it’s far more exciting to get a great drop in the game all of a sudden. I salute you D2 players that do play fairly. Good day.
I suggest 1 year imprisonment.
5 years second offense.
Life time sentence for 3rd offense.
That’s the problem of superficial understanding again.
It’s not always a simple matter of analyzing a cheating app, figuring out the loop holes in the game/service it’s exploiting, figuring out how to break the exploit without damaging other parts of the game/service and without overly impacting the functionality of the legitimate players. Then again, maybe a particular app is simple and is figured out immediately. The delay in action is geared toward confusing the cheat creators. So you can’t really associate time between ban waves with how long it takes Bliz to study an app.
You don’t have any idea how sophisticated they are because you aren’t privy to anything behind the scenes. The amount of time between actions is intentionally mutually exclusive with what they know.
Ding ding! If you have some “team” putting efforts into anti botting why can’t they log in occasionally and ban the blatant bots running public games? This is massively changing the player experience where people don’t want to even play they just want to join bot games and leech items and xp because it’s the most efficient. Why is this acceptable to shove it in blizzards face that you are botting? Ban them manually and quickly they will hide in private games and go fuel d2jsp trades out of the average players per view.
Realistically it can’t be. It’s no different than the antivirus industry preventing all infections. There will always be new cheats/apps that aren’t yet known to the detection systems.
So far this has not been effective. Bots have never been down very long but it takes eons for a ban wave to go out.
Stop trying to justify the banning process d2 has been using because we all know in the past it has been minimal effort at best for a legacy game.
Superficial understanding again.
Those whose career it is to research and create ways to combat cheating are the ones who know which methods work the best, not joe-average who bases everything off a small sample, subjective observation. It’s been said already that the alternative is less effective. And since won’t ever be stopped completely, there is only a most effective method to mitigate it.
Like I said above, it’s the same for the antivirus industry, who also uses similar methods.
“We all know”. No, Chill, the people who dedicate a career to the issue know. Not all of you.
And educating someone on why things are done they way they are isn’t automatically defending it.
As for D2, you’re dealing with an antiquated game/service that has been out of development for a long time. It’s technologies are limited compared to modern games. It’s not going to be capable of the same countermeasures as the modern games/services. Fortunately, D2R is being ported to the modern Battlenet so it will have more sophisticated anti cheat methods, but that won’t make Bliz move away from the methods proven to have the most impact.
Blizzard will do nothing because they don’t want to do anything.
The more the “CMs” post long winded answers to try to make themselves sound like developers the more obvious the reality is for those of us in the industry who play this game.
Security infrastructure, bans, audits…etc. All that stuff that the forum crowd thinks is a button press is actually months and months of time and more importantly money to implement. You gonna pay the 6 digit salaries of a team of 12 infrastructure devs who work on a solution for this for 3 months as a priority? No. Well neither will blizzard leadership.
You don’t have to look farther then the golden cash cow of blizzards daddy Activision to see that they feel that the juice will never be worth the squeeze here as far as management is concerned. COD has gotten so hacker filled that top pros and streamers have publicly and loudly said it’s unplayable online but yet no real actions have been taken by Activision and that game is the biggest IP in Activisions portfolio, But you still expect them to do something for a game like D2R? Laughable.
This guy admits to botting for 10 years and never getting banned. These same people and others that see this on reddit arleady know what type of joke the anti-cheat system is. You can list more about how “i dont understand any of it” but its pretty simple to see when I login to d2 and see bots spamming their next public game they’re making 24/7. I mean how advanced is the anti-cheat system if someone is using the same cheat for 10 years without consequence and blatantly posting about it.
Admitting to botting has nothing to do with the efficacy of hardware banning.
Admitting to botting has nothing to do with the time table Bliz uses to action people when they decide to.
I haven’t made any claims to how cheats are detected, or how good or advanced the systems is (in fact, I said the opposite when it comes to D2), or what criteria Bliz uses when deciding to action.
So I haven’t said anything about your knowledge of anything you’ve presented in that last reply.
You just said it here. That they wait until never to ban cheaters to hopefully deter them from continuing support for the program. I’m sure if they got banned once a week instead of once a year they would have to update it constantly which would deter them since it’s more work. You also claim they won’t know if their bot program has been detected. Which again is untrue since people using it would notify them or if their using their own bots they would know.
You shouldn’t have to jump through hoops to play a videogame when you personally have done nothing wrong.
D2R will be on the newer Bnet, and Blizzard’s client-side Warden program will be able to ID cheaters a bit better than the old Bnet could.
Full Blizzard Account bans should suffice. It’ll ban people from using ANY game on their Bnet account if caught cheating.
Sure they can just buy a new copy and make a new account, but it’s expensive. You could just use a Key Gen creator to get free copies of Diablo 2 back in the day. —It’s not that easy on the new systems today.
Plus, D2R is digital only. There won’t be any physical copies. It’s all directly tied to your account from store purchases.