Hardcore for Season 21 Suggestion "3 Strikes"

Funny stuff :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: We need some Paladins to start doing something about these Necromancers.

Do not “bump” posts.

The act of posting simply to bump a thread is considered spamming. This also includes bumping old threads for no reason (also called “necroing”).

“3 strikes” will make it “Al dente-core”, not Hardcore.

I know you can find a Black Mushroom. Do you get an additional strike if you find a green one?

And you are the one who decides if there is a reason behind my post? I thought that was my job. That must be a really boring job. I would actually probably hate myself if I had nothing to do all day but look for posts I thought had no reason to exist and then complain about them.

You are making up reasons to justify attacking me for a perfectly legitimate post. Once again I will repeat myself, I don’t care! But I really appreciate the great effort and time you all are putting into making me more like YOU… shudder. Thanks but no thanks.