Hades acceptance reveals key points for Diablo 4

The more knowledge you have the less of reflexes you need to succeed and the less variance you’ll have in your attempts.

Nah, I am a practical man when it comes to eating. I value safety and proper food more than the enjoyment from it. That said the bowl and spoon of course have to be from the proper material, not gold however.

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Not really. The game is all about twitch-based combat game. It differs between abilities (like some builds makes you able to somewhat facetank enemies, reducing the need to avoid dmg), but learning the game doesn’t reduce the twitch-requirement. Probably just makes you better at it.

The game can be easily win with very low apm and no WASD clicks at all. You just have to have the knowledge.

Show an example of winning the game without any movement?
(Easy mode/God mode does not count obviously)

APM and twitch-combat is not the same.

Yeah you aren’t getting past the 3rd act boss fight without decent reaction times.


Of course you are.

Youtube is your friend - a lot of walkthroughs and tips there on how to beat the game easily.

Did you actually watch that video? The combat is still twitchy even with those builds.

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Checked the 6 builds, unsurprisingly they all did use WASD :thinking: Extensively.
If you had watched the video yourself you would also have noticed that the person making it says ‘easy’ in the title refers to builds that are easy to make.

Anyway, the game is not difficult. I didn’t say it was hard to beat, I said it is a twitch-based game and requires you to play twitch-based.

Honestly not sure he has even played Hades.

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Also they are only “easy” to make for an endgame character. Those builds all essentially rely on either Duo or Legendary skills which you are rarely going to even get offered until your character has maxed out all his passive skills which won’t happen until you have played for 30-40 hours.

Yeah. Not very useful for your first clears.

Yes, because the maker of video isn’t playing with low reaction time on purpose.

There are builds that you can play only with mouse and maximum 1 non-WASD button, and without having some sick reaction times you can complete the game easily. One of these is listed in user comments → Arthur + Athena. There are even easier than this one, you just have to know them.

That’s why I wrote multiple times in the thread you need to reach endgame with “God mode” on if you have troubles with the game.

Nobody is gonna stick with a game they aren’t enjoying for 30 hours so they can unlock a build they will maybe enjoy.


The thing is when you put “God mode” on you’ll progress faster and thus enjoy the game more. And you can’t know on 100% whether you enjoy the game or not until you don’t try all weapons - it’s like the classes in Diablo. Some friends of mine back in the day, D2 first versions, played thorns Paladin first and didn’t like the game, then jumped on Necro and they play it until now.

I put it on, and I still didn’t enjoy it. Stop trying to convince other people that their choice of “best ice-cream” is wrong.

The idea people will enjoy a game more if they turn on easy mode, and progress faster, is… interesting.

I declare this thread is now about favorite ice creams. I prefer Cookie Dough personally.

You’re wrong and you should put god mode on until you realise the right answer is rum & raisin!

This was all written using the hidden sarcasm font.


I watched a bit of it on twitch and I’m unsure what the hype is about. Hades doesn’t seem like an appealing game to me.

Yes, similar to the useless paragon grind in D3. If you remove it more people are to enjoy the game.

OP giving off some serious ‘nice guy’ vibes in this thread. I hope you don’t use this approach with the opposite sex or basically any other aspect of your life.
'If you just give me (it, this, whatever) more of a chance you’ll come to love me (it, this whatever)."
No means no OP.